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Last Days of Summer


get over $300+ value of tools, resources,



Click on any offer you wish to grab (if you want them all, you gotta click them all)
Complete your details to access your free gift!

These FREEBIES are available for 3 days only

And don't be fooled... while they may be free (for a limited time) that doesn't mean they aren't quality offers that will help you!

Repurposed to Published Mini-Course by Lise Cartwright | Hustle & Groove

You want to write a non-fiction book but you're not sure where to start...

Content isn't your issue... it's how to structure your book in a way that's going to make sense to your ideal customer that's got you stumped.

Discover how to repurpose your existing content into a non-fiction book that connects with your audience and draws them into your paid offers with ease.

All in 30 days or less!

60 Festive Holiday Pinterest Templates by Kat Hall at Kat Virtual Services

Get ready to enhance your holiday marketing with 60 winter holiday pins! 

The Festive Pin Bundle is designed to simplify your Pinterest marketing efforts. 

This bundle covers fall and winter holidays, including Halloween, Christmas, Black Friday, and more. All pins are customizable in Canva. 

Get your pins now!

Dream Your Life PLR Template by Hello, Uniques

This bundle include 8 pages (currently) such as vision boards, vision board for 6 different aspect of life, and wheel of Life. 

Bonus, if you get this now, you'll have access to a community that could help you, motivate and cheer with you on this journey (upcoming).

Money on Repeat Evergreen Sales Planner by Lynn Stevens

I know you're tired of the endless launch cycle and want to shift towards more passive revenue. 

In that case, this comprehensive planner will show you exactly how to repurpose your existing digital products into an automated evergreen sales funnel. 

No more scrambling for new launches - just set it and forget it.

The Visibility Toolbox by Angela of Crystal Clear Funnels

It's time to get visible and let the world know about your unique products, offers, and expertise! 

The Visibility Toolbox gives you the tools, templates and plan you need to elevate your brand and make your business stand out.

Post to Patron Workshop & Bundle by Brittany Verlenich | Verity Media

Is Instagram feeling like a waste of time? Let's change that! We can grow our email lists and get sales DIRECTLY from Instagram by switching up our strategy.

The Post to Patron bundle includes a workshop, templates, swipe files, and an eBook.

Within 1-2 hours, you'll have created scroll-stopping posts with compelling calls to action. And within a few days, you'll be generating leads!

You'll learn all about the Comment to Customer Strategy - including ways to automate the process with other tools.

This is perfect for anyone who wants to grow their list.

Practice Makes Pitch Perfect by Jocelyn Rish - Transmedia Mutts

Are you an authorpreneur? 

If you want readers flocking to your books, then you need to craft killer pitches. 

This video course breaks down the elements of a compelling pitch, presents examples, and provides prompts to practice your pitching skills. 

Bonus: Adorable pups help with the pitching process!

Stress Adventures PlayShop by De'Nicea Hilton Harper | Hilton Holistic Health and Wellness

Holistically Navigating Stress with the 5 Perfect Authentic Leadership PlayStyles.

Stress comes your way everyday…so let’s PLAY with enjoying the ride! 

At the Stress Rent-A-Transport Center, you’re presented with different modes of transport designed to support you in navigating various types of stress...

So you can call on your unique way of navigating stress using the 5 Perfect Authentic Leadership Styles.

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