Want to make $5k Per month consistently?

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Hands up if you want consistent income every month...

🙋‍♀️ Hands up if you wish you knew what tasks to repeat every day that resulted in money flooding your bank account week after week.

🙋‍♀️ Hands up if you wish you knew that what you were doing on social media resulted in bringing you dream customers and clients clamouring to be in your world every day.

🙋‍♀️ Hands up if you could only do things that felt easy and fun instead of hard and complicated. Surely your online business isn't meant to be this hard?!

🙋‍♀️ Hands up if you wish you could wake up tomorrow and have an online business that reflected your personality. That allowed you to be you and still make consistent money every single month...

this is my daily reality. I love it! and i want it for you too.

Introducing the LIVE 30 Days to $5K Master Program!

A six week live group program created to teach you EXACTLY what to do to create consistent income every month based on your unique personality... your individual way of doing business. 🙌

With a tailored, custom business strategy, you'll know how to effectively GROW your audience, NURTURE your audience, and SELL to your audience every single day - so that you can have a business that lights up your soul.

This simple yet powerful approach to running your own business is EXACTLY how I've created my own easy, fun, and profitable sales system. 

During our time together, we'll create and implement a custom business strategy & marketing system that you can use, over and over, week after week, month after month, to bring in sales consistently based on what works for YOU, without it ever feeling messy, forced, hard, or heavy - hand on heart. 🥰

Here's how it's going down: 👇

Week 1 - March 8, 2021

YOUR CUSTOM BUSINESS STRATEGY: During the first week, we're going to jump on a 1:1 call and map out your custom business strategy. This is going to include how you:

Attract your ideal clients or customers
The types of offers your uniquely positioned to create for your audience
How you'll show up for your audience every day (aka your daily money-making tasks)
How you can sell with ease (this will be your unique marketing plan)

[$997 Value]

Week 2 - March 15, 2021

BUILD & GROW YOUR AUDIENCE: During the second week, we're going to dive into the training. Let's focus on building or growing your audience. This is going to include how you:

Attract your ideal audience with ease (referencing your custom business strategy of course)
The right way to nurture your new subscribers so they stay engaged and primed to buy from you
How you can make money right away with new subscribers
How to create a list of buyers instead of freebie seekers

[$997 Value]

Week 3 - March 22, 2021

CREATE IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS: During the third week, we're going to dive into all things offers. Following your custom business strategy, you'll know exactly what to do. This is going to include how you:

Speak to your ideal audience so that they buy your things
How many offers you'll need to hit $5k months and more
How to price your offers based on what feels right for you
How to make your sales page a no-brainer for your ideal customer

[$997 Value]

Week 4 - March 29, 2021

CONTENT THAT CONVERTS: During the fourth week, we're going to follow your custom strategy and create content that's aligned with how you want to show up for your audience. This is going to include how you:

Create content that aligns with how you want to communicate
Choose to show up to your audience every week
Can multiply your efforts without spending hours on content
Create content that converts your subscribers into buyers without feeling sleazy

[$997 Value]

Week 5 - April 5, 2021

CONSISTENT CASH FLOW FORMULA: During the fifth week, we're going to create your custom marketing plan based on what your unique strategy is. This is going to include how you:

Show up for your ideal audience so that they buy from you again and again
Ask for the sale in a way that is aligned with your personality
Create different types of sales content that speaks to your ideal customer
Ask questions to make sure you're energetically aligned with what you're doing

[$997 Value]

Week 6 - April 12, 2021

IMPLEMENT, TWEAK & GROW: During the last week, we're going to review your custom business strategy and make sure everything is aligned. We're going to create systems, automation and organize like crazy. This is going to include how you:

Automate 80% of your income month after month so that it's easy & fun
Create systems that are easy and fun for you to implement
Can use different tools to organize your business in a way that works for you not against you
Continue to ensure you're always doing things that feel aligned and good for you 

[$997 Value]

Total Value Of $5,982!

💁‍♀️ I've taken ALL of the guesswork out of creating offers...

💁‍♀️ ALL of the guesswork out of how to show up in your business...

💁‍♀️ ALL of the guesswork out of how to market your business the right way for you!

Ready to create your custom, individualized business & marketing strategy?!

Take advantage of the beta launch pricing! Price goes up to $1,497 March 7, 2021.

Here's What You're Getting:

Your own custom-created business strategy + marketing plan so you never have to worry about what to do and when. All the guesswork is gone. This is the first thing we'll do together 1-on-1.
6+ hours of high-value, laser-focused video content (delivered LIVE)
All my workbooks, cheatsheets, scripts & templates I personally use in my own business
Weekly group coaching calls with Lise every Thursday
Lifetime access to a private membership site where all your content is saved
Access to a community of other successful business owners (great for networking & upleveling)
BONUS #1: Day of Voxer 1:1 Coaching ($797 value)
BONUS #2: The Updated Tech Library ($297 value)

What others are saying:

Lise Uncomplicates The Complicated!

“Lise has helped me to get clear on my immediate next actions steps, showed me what selling looks like for me, she gently kicks me in the butt, holds me accountable - and that’s what I need!”

Sloane Kini

Author, Speaker & Founder of The Called to Collective

I Can't Recommend Lise Enough!

"Lise is genuinely invested in her students. She wants us to succeed and shares all she knows with us. She connects with you on a personal level and she strives to understand what you want from your business so she can best help you succeed."

Debbie Brady

Author, Coach & Owner of Ending Stigma Together

Truly Invaluable And Onpoint!

"Although I mentor and coach others, I needed someone to support me and hold me accountable for what I want to achieve in my business. I've found this with Lise and a whole lot more."

Jo Draper

Founder of Live Virtually, Mentor + Coach

Hey! I'm Lise Cartwright, your creative business coach...

Every program that you've probably taken up until this point has been based on somebody else's strategy. Somebody else's way of doing business...

In 2019, I invested $9k into a program and coach that told me that her way was the best way to create a business that generated $10k consistently every month. Of course, I take full responsibility for ignoring the signs at the time... but it doesn't change the fact that I was after a specific result but trying to get it from someone who didn't do business the way I wanted to do business...

It took me three long, hard, messy months to figure that out. And when I realized the mistake I'd made, I started the search for what it truly looked like for me to have an easy, fun, and profitable business based on what worked for ME.

I spent the better part of 2020 deep diving into learning what made me tick. What strategies worked well for me, and what strategies made things hard and complicated. I discovered so much and I can't wait to share what I learned with you. 🙌

The thing is, we are unique. None of us are the same. Sure, we might have similarities, but the way that I show up in my business will be different to the way that you show up in yours. And that's ok! 💁‍♀️

Once you discover your custom, unique way of doing business, money tends to flow with ease. It's like a big roadblock gets removed and the money cars can roll on in.

Imagine what 30, 60, 90 days could look like from now... where you're living out your customized business strategy!

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

How does my custom business strategy happen?

Upon purchasing the 30 Days to $5K Master Program, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your strategy call. You'll receive a quiz to complete that will help me formulate your individual custom plan!

What if I'm just getting started? Can this program work for me?

If you're just starting out and have no idea who your audience is or what offers you'll create, then this program is NOT for you.

But if you do know who your audience is, have an outline for an offer (or an idea) and you're ready to take action, then yes, this will work for you!

How quickly will I make money?

That is largely up to you and your ability to learn, implement, and tweak as you go. If you show up, do the work, and lock in your custom business strategy, making money will happen quickly. 

Who is this program for?

Anyone who wants to learn how to implement their own custom business & marketing plan to create $5k consistently month after month, no matter what you're selling. Ideally, you're earning $2k+ per month to implement what you'll learn.

I've never been able to sell consistently, is it really that easy?

Yes! It’s so much easier than you think. You'll learn exactly what to focus on to bring $5k into your business over the next 30-90 days. EVERYTHING you need to know will be covered. And it's information that's relevant to your unique abilities and strengths. I'm just here to equip you with the right tools.

When is the program starting?

We kick things off on Monday, March 8, 2021! You get instant access to the bonuses and pre-work training as soon as you register and complete your payment information. Full details will be provided once you sign up. Your first step will be to complete the quiz and book in your custom business strategy call!

Are there any bonuses?

Yes! Those are outlined above, but in case you missed them, you get instant access to The Updated Tech Library, as well as a 1:1 Day of Voxer Coaching. The bonuses alone are valued at almost $1,094 and I'm including them so that you have zero barriers to making $5k consistently.

I'm not good at technology, can I still join?

The good news is, yes you can! All the tech walk-throughs are provided and if you're still not sure on something, let me know and I'll record even more detailed step-by-step walkthroughs for you. I got your back.

WARNING: You don't need to be good at tech but you do need to be able to watch a video and implement what you see on screen.

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! You have four options to choose from. 

1) Pay in full for $997 (save yourself $200!). 

2) Spread payments over 3 months for $350 per month (first payment due immediately). 

3) Spread payments over 6 months for $175 per month (first payment due immediately). 

4) Make weekly payments of $97 for 12 weeks (first payment due immediately). 

Whatever your budget, there is a payment plan to suit you.

What if I get stuck?

That's what the group coaching calls are for and the private community. If you get stuck, you ask questions and we figure out your best move forward. I got your back!

How long do I have access to the program for?

Lifetime! You get everything, including the bonuses, delivered to you via my private membership site and it's yours forever. Everything will be yours as long as your payments are successfully completed.

NOTE: The private community is only open for the 6 weeks of the program.

What if I can't attend the live workshops or coaching calls?

I know that life gets busy and you might not be able to make every single live workshop or call, but no problem. These are recorded and available to you within 24 hours of them taking place. You'll be able to submit questions ahead of time too, so if you can't be there live, you can still get my feedback! Remember, I got your back.

What if I don't have enough time to do this?

Guess what, the only way you're going to get the time freedom you so deeply desire is by prioritizing building your custom system for making consistent income every month.

That is the only way.

Continuing to do what you do now is not going to magically lead to more free time — it will only lead to more frustration and you staying stuck, spinning your wheels.

Let’s help you promote your business the effective, simple and profitable way using your own individual, customized business strategy!

I want to do this but I'm scared. I've tried before and failed. How will this be different?

You wanna know a secret? Anyone that you already admire and look up to felt scared before they took action. I know I did!!

My confidence comes from taking the correct ACTION. The more tiny steps you take that are aligned with how you want your business to be, the easier it gets... until one day, you won't even recognize yourself because you're goals left, right, and center!

Not only that, but the good news is I've worked with people in all creative niches with lots of different online offers. This program works for everyone because it’s BUILT to be custom. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach here.

How is this different from any other program I've taken?

If you’ve been struggling to make consistent income, it’s NOT your fault. That’s because you’ve been following copy/paste sales & marketing strategies from other coaches & course creators.

(That’s why most “coaching programs” don’t work — they aren't taking into account your unique abilities, your special personality. They are using their system and showing what works for THEM.)

My system for making consistent income is completely different…

I am going to work with you to identify your custom money-making tasks so that sales and marketing actually feels aligned to you and your unique strengths.

In other words, for the first time ever, you actually love your system for making money.

And trust me, when you love your system for making money, consistency is a given!

Ready to create your custom, individualized business & marketing strategy?!

Take advantage of the beta launch pricing! Price goes up to $1,497 March 7, 2021.

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