Welcome Digital Business Lab Member!

Here's what you've been told you should do when creating a successful online business... 👉

Spend all your time in Facebook groups or going live on Instagram providing tons of free "value" (uh, what does that even mean?!)
Create printable products and upload them to places like Etsy and wait for the money to roll in (but all you're hearing is crickets and feeling burnt-out from endless creating with zero results)
Sell your mini-courses wherever you can (while desperately trying to hide your neediness)
Guest post on blogs, show up 'everywhere', and burn money on 'boosting' your posts on Facebook (because your friend Sally is doing it and she said you should too, but you've got no idea what you're doing or if you're even ready for ads)
Buy more 'shiny objects' that promise you the 'secret sauce' of online business success (just to learn it's ANOTHER outdated strategy or attempt to upsell you into a high-ticket offer you're not ready for)
The only way you'll make money online is to offer 1:1 coaching services and charge premium prices... (when you don't want to coach!)

But OMG... you're over it. 
All you want to do is find a balance between creating (and getting paid) and living a life that inspires songs like One Republic's I Lived.

You keep thinking: "When does this business get to be easy? When will making money happen without me hustling all the time?"

You could (like 305+ smart creative entrepreneurs) use the simple and tested Human Design framework to grow an aligned business focusing on what's easy and fun for you, where your audience wants what you're offering, and keep coming back for more...

welcome to

Human Design For Business Membership


Create an online business that feels easy and fun for you, based on how you're designed to uniquely show up in the world.

Grow your business strategically. Sell your offers with confidence and ease, like it's the most natural thing to do... Because it is.

When you stop denying your own truth, you can ditch the overwhelming stress and generate consistent income month after month, just by following your energetic blueprint.

When you join Human Design For Business...

You'll get everything you need to decode your unique Human Design chart so that you can make monthly income in a way that's best for you.

You'll get instant access to:

9 training modules based on your Human Design type 
Exclusive training and content based on your Human Design type
The exact steps you need to take to implement Human Design into your business so that you can leverage your you-nique way of doing and make money with ease
All the worksheets, guides, and cheat sheets you need to create an energetically aligned online business
Access to the members-only private community hosted on Heartbeat for accountability, connection, and ongoing support (there's channels for each type too!)
1 x LIVE group coaching call based on your type inside the community every month
Plus bonus trainings, resources, and tools as needed

The Human Design system is a powerfully transformative tool that has been described as "freakishly accurate" for a reason. There's a relief that comes when you feel seen and understood—maybe for the first time in your life. And it gives you permission to do business your way, make a great income, and keep your sanity intact.

If you're still licking your wounds from the last guru whose advice didn't work for you, I'm here to tell you that's ok. You likely just weren't energetically aligned to what they were doing.

Here's what happens when you ARE energetically aligned...

You grow a loyal audience that actually wants what you have to offer (over and over again)
You attract quality people that are exactly who you're you-niquely designed to help
Your inbox will be stuffed to overflowing with appreciation, reviews, feedback, and social proof from very happy customers who speak highly of your value
You show up with confidence, certainty, and authenticity because you're simply being you (seriously, can it get any easier than that??)
You start to make consistent, monthly income with ease
You work on your own terms and schedule
You never have to worry about where your next paycheck is coming from again (Hello! How does on autopilot sound?)
You can ditch sleazy sales tactics and desperate-sounding social media posts
You build the foundation to easily scale into more passive income streams
Your business becomes energetically aligned, easy, fun, AND profitable!

Get instant access to ON-DEMAND TRAINING, LIVE COACHING, Tools, Guides, Journals, Resources & 24h support for only $22 per month.

Seeing yourself through the eyes of Human Design will verify your struggles and give you solutions of what to do instead. They're the struggles you've likely come up against your entire life...

It's time to get off the struggle bus and show up in the world (and your business) as the one-and-only YOU.

Most creative coaches & strategists charge anywhere from $120 to $500+ per month for this kind of value. But I decided to create something every creative entrepreneur could afford for just $22/month.

😳 I'll be honest with you...

Getting to this point wasn't easy.

When I started out as a creative entrepreneur back in 2011, I had no experience running an online business. But I learned fast. And pivoted, tweaked, and changed direction (So. Many. Times), trying lots of things along the way. Basically, I listened to everyone else instead of what felt good for me.

But as a full-time creative entrepreneur, while I loved the time-freedom to create my days how I wanted, and I LOVED making over $5k+ per month, I found myself no longer enjoying working 1-on-1 with clients, trading time for dollars...

Which led me down a little side-track for a few months (*ahem* years!)...

There were so many shiny objects, strategies, and ideas out there and EVERYTHING sounded so good and felt important to implement. And as a new author & creative entrepreneur (which is what I transitioned to after ditching my 1-on-1 clients),  I felt lost, like I hadn't discovered my "magic money muscle" yet.

And boy, was I surrounded by hype! I got caught up consuming it all. There was an endless stream of advice on what I should be doing... I felt like I wasn't doing enough. I felt shamed for missing out or not 'getting it'. And to be honest, I felt like a complete failure...

After purchasing my fair share of programs, courses, and tools ranging from $7 to $9,000, I finally realized two things:

There is no magical hack to overnight success. As a creative entrepreneur, understand this: you're you-niquely designed to help others the way and run your business the way YOU want to run it. When you allow yourself to be guided by that, making money every month becomes easy and fun.

Copy-paste, 'one-size-fits-all' solutions don't work because they are either outdated strategies that the  creator isn't using anymore OR (more likely) what they try to push on you simply isn't aligned with who you are and the way you want to run your online business.

And that's when I finally realized: it's possible to run an online business the way I innately knew was right for me when I was energetically aligned with my strategy. Funny enough, that ended up making business easy and fun for me, too.

So I ditched the hype and focused on doing only what felt right for ME based on my inner authority. And I now enjoy sales notifications pinging my inbox on the daily.

And that's just payments received via Stripe!

Now I have a successful online business full of offers that I'm aligned with, that are easy and fun for me to sell. Multiple streams of income that take me less than 20 hours a week to run is so my jam!

No spending hours selling on socials needed (I closed my free Facebook Group that had 2k+ member in June 2021 and haven't looked back!).

But the Human Design framework doesn't only work for me, it also works for my clients and members.

Take Alex for example...

She found the clarity she needed and the permission she was seeking to create a business that felt good for her. And she's making more money than ever before.

"I must say that I'm not somebody who blindly follows what others are proposing. But working with Lise and completing some of her programs made me realize that I like her teaching style and what she's teaching is really valuable. I love how well Lise explains every aspect of Human Design and how it's best to apply it in our online business.

I'm continuously learning how to apply that framework and make business decisions that are aligned with how I want to run my business, how to show up, what offers I should be creating, and so on. So that my business is easy and fun and supports my desired lifestyle!"

Manifesting Generator

"Thank you! One thing this definitely explained to me is WHY things get delayed in my life SO many times. And I always believed it was/is for a reason. Now I know clearer that it's because I need to wait a full lunar cycle. Universe always works and makes things work. I'm excited to continue experiencing what's easy and fun for me."


"I want to really thank Lise. I think I just needed sort of a kick up the butt! I'm really motivated to dive into my human design. I feel like it's going to help me on my journey. I just felt a kinship (with Lise). The fact that I'm not young, not some 27 year old. I'm trying to learn new things and feel that Lise really understands where my brain is at."

Manifesting Generator

"I have learned so much. More than what I've learned from so many different business & marketing programs that I've signed up for. You taught me how to create my own custom marketing plan that works for me so that I don't have to push myself and work extra, extra hard to make it happen. You are amazing."


Human Design For Business is for two specific people:

#1: The Aspiring Online Business Owner

Who wants to create an aligned business using Human Design but doesn't know where to start. You'll quickly see how you're designed to take action and which offers and strategies will work best for you.

#2: The Creative Entrepreneur

Who feels stuck and wants to simplify their current digital product suite (Hello: create consistent income!) and shift from chasing customers to allowing everything in your business to be easy, fun, AND profitable.

If you check one of these boxes, you're in the right place! 👇

The framework and tools shared inside this training area are the keys that were missing from those gurus. It's what helped me to completely change my life and create the online business of my dreams!

join the Human Design For Business Membership today!

You don't need to spend hours on social media, build fancy funnels, or buy the next hyped up strategy that sets you back a frosty $1k+ to create an online business that feels easy, fun, AND profitable...

Become a magnet to your ideal customers. Create an aligned digital product suite filled with offers you're excited to deliver. This is the new way of doing business that embraces authentic messaging, strategic content, all marketed in a way that's easy and fun for YOU. 

Now THAT'S a business that entices customers to buy over and over again.

If you're asking yourself...

"I've already bought so many other things that didn't help me, why do I need Human Design For Business?"

Here's the thing... you don't!

BUT... if you're open to learning how you can create a consistent monthly income simply by doing what comes naturally to you, then:

This is nothing like the things you've bought before!
This will help you to flip the switch from chasing sales to daily money notifications blowing up your phone (or inbox)
This will allow you to get accountability and feedback to grow an online business that's 100% easy and fun for you
Know you aren't going through the struggle alone. Be part of a supportive community of amazing people that are on the same journey as you
There is no risk (you can cancel at anytime)
This costs less than treating your bestie to vanilla lattes. But long after the coffees are gone, this has the potential to change your whole life, taking your business from feeling overwhelmed and hard to easy, fun, and profitable!

I swear by the things I share with you inside Human Design For Business because discovering this and applying it to my business has allowed me to make money with ease. I simply focus on my strategy, and that gives me a clear signal when something feels easy and fun for me... and I want the same for you!

✅ Go from being confused and chasing every shiny object to being crystal clear about your you-nique offers.

❌ Stop trying different marketing methods that are overwhelming, time-consuming, complicated, expensive or simply don't work anymore and have a simple and clear marketing plan that you can replicate over and over again based on how you want to sell.

There's no reason to keep trying to do this all alone. Get support, accountability, and connection in our amazing members-only community.

I'm glad you asked...

I'm a new online business owner and I'm just getting started. Will this still work for me?

Absolutely! This works really well for new online business owners. It's a leg up to create a business that's 100% aligned right from the start.

What is Human Design?

If you're new the Human Design concept, I recommend reading my blog post HERE. It will give you an idea of what it is and how it can be used in your business.

Briefly though, it's a personality/astrology/strengths analysis tool that has foundations in planetary alignments at birth, with links to iChing, chakras etc. 

I show you how to take the Human Design framework and practically implement it into your business—and entire life.

I don't know my exact time of birth, will Human Design For Business still work?

The short answer is no. To get the full benefits of this membership, you need to have your exact birth date to get your specific Human Design chart. It's what makes you, you!

If you don't know your birth time, you have some options, such as working with an astrologist who can get your exact time of birth by looking at your birth chart. You might also be able to locate it if you know the hospital you were born in (if you were born in one).

I've been running my business for a while. Will I still find value?

Yes! The Human Design For Business membership will provide you with access to resources, journals, guides, a community, support, connection, and accountability that will help you get your online business to the next level.

Can I wait and join next month?

Yes, of course you can. You get to decide when the timing is right for you. Although I can't promise the price will be the same.

How much support is included?

As much as you raise your hand for... within reason. You'll get ALL your questions answered within our members-only community within 24 hours (48 hours during the weekend).

Does this only work for coaches?

No, this works for all online business owners, such as authors, freelancers, course creators, and creative entrepreneurs who want to create an online business and a monthly consistent income stream and who don't want to HAVE to offer coaching or high-ticket offers to make money...

I'm not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

No. This is beginner and budget-friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software unless you want to.

I don't have a digital product or offer yet. Will this still work for me?

YES! This membership helps you to craft digital products and offers based on your you-nique chart + how to sell with ease. 

When will I get access?

You'll receive an email with all the details immediately after your successful purchase and you'll be invited to our private community within 24 hours.

Can I cancel the membership?

Yes. You can cancel this membership any time you wish. You'll be removed from the membership area and private community once your membership term expires.

What's the difference between Human Design For Business and your other memberships?

H.D.4.B. (aka what you're considering right now) is the solid foundation needed to use Human Design to create a business that fits you to a tee. 

The Digital Business Lab is my $9/month online coaching program where I help creative entrepreneurs get to $1k consistent income each month through creating micro offers that feel energetically aligned.

Digital Income Accelerator (currently closed and open 2x per year) is my premium membership. It's $49/month. D.I.A. takes a more in-depth approach with more coaching access to me and focuses on business growth and scaling options based on your you-nique money-making blueprint.

As a member of Human Design For Business, you can join DBL at anytime. You will also get notified when my premium membership is open for enrollment. 

Don't worry, you won't miss a thing!

Isn't this a bunch of woo?

If by woo you mean unseen energy and cosmic influences, then yes, it's woo. But you don't need to see the satellites or wifi waves to know that that email just dropped onto your phone...

The proof is in the results. Check out the testimonials. It's incredible how spot-on HD is.

Can I purchase this as a course rather than a membership?

Yes! You have the option to buy the self-study course version at anytime you wish. This grants you lifetime access to the main training area.

You will NOT get access to the community, type-specific group channels or coaching calls. The course option is a one-time payment of $222. Lifetime updates included.

If you want the self-study course version, please email me: lise@hustleandgroove.com for details.

YouR exclusive invitation

You're just one step away from creating an online business that feels easy and fun and leverages your you-nique gifts, strengths, and talents!

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