Having micro offers in your business is a complete game-changer when you realize how easily you can create a list of buyers for your entire offer suite.

 The Step-by-Step 

Proven Micro Offer


In this planner, you'll discover five proven micro-offers that can help you prove your ideas quickly and finance your growth fast.

Use this planner to create multiple micro offers so that you can get paid to build a list of buyers keen to buy your other products and finance your growth!

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If you want to:

Create a micro offer that your audience is clamoring for and makes money easily.
Learn how to communicate the value of your micro offer(s) in a way that has your audience nodding their head 'yes' as they browse your sales page...
Grow faster because your audience can't shut up about how amazing your micro offers are and the results they are getting!

But you don't want to:

Create offers just for the sake of creating something (aka so you can quickly make some moola).
Write another piece of content that doesn't provide value or help your audience in some way aka another fluff-filled sales page that reeks of AI-generated content.
Keep dealing with people who aren't the right fit for your business, refunding purchases and losing money selling to people who just aren't the right fit for your business.

AND you don't know:

How to create an irresistible micro offer. Like you're stumped. You keep waiting for the inspiration and know-how to download to your head but it's completely empty up there (if you're picturing a ghost-town from an old western, you're on the mark)...

How to write sales copy that feels good without sounding like you're trying too hard or being woo-woo. Or writing content that screams desperately "buy my stuff!"...

How to dive into the mind of your ideal customer. How to know what they are struggling with so that you can create exactly what they want while baking in a little of your 'secret sauce' that you know they need...

How to stop self-sabotaging every step of the way. You know your shiz, but you feel weird about sharing your awesome-sauce with the world.

If this sounds familiar

and all you want is a clear, step-by-step process that helps you identify your target customer and proven micro offer without spending years trying to do what everyone else is doing!

Then this is for you.


 The Step-by-Step 

Proven Micro Offer


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Here's how it works:

Map out and create your own proven micro offer over the next week (or in a weekend if you're feeling energized) and attract the peeps you want in your world — because it's your business and you deserve to work with awesome people.

This is the first step in truly crafting an online business that's easy and fun for you.

step 1:

Identify Tangible Results

Develop your Island A content so you understand your audience's pain points
Develop Island B aka what life looks like after challenges are solved
How to create a tangible result and communicate it to your audience in a way that they understand (HINT: no fancy words needed!)

step 2:

Your Ideal Audience

Learn why it's not about niching down but being clear on WHO the ideal audience is for your micro offers
How to take your story (and your ideal customers' stories) and create magnetic messaging that sings to their soul
How to get specific about your offer in a way that has your ideal customers pulling out their credit cards without a second thought

step 3:

Choose Your Offer Container

How to choose the right 'container' for your content with proven micro offers that sell with ease
How to take what you learned in Step 1 and inject it into your offer in a way that your ideal customer can't resist
Tips for picking a container that delivers the result in the best way for both you and your audience

step 4:

Create Your Micro Offer

How to create an offer that your audience can't wait to dive into because they can clearly see the path to their desired result
Set yourself up for success when you follow the steps outlined to start creating your sales content
Map it all out in a 30-day plan so you know how long it's going to realistically take to create

Hey, my name is Lise Cartwright, bestselling author, creative strategist, and business coach. I'm a self-confessed multi-passionate entrepreneur who cannot stick to one thing... and that's ok! Because I get to run my business based on what feels easy and fun for me, and that's exactly what I do and have done since August 2020...

I wanted to stop hustling and breathe... enjoy my business and inspire others to do the same.

For the first seven years of my business, I definitely followed a feast & famine cycle. Things were hard. I chased every strategy and tactic, looking for the "magic pill" that would bring me the success I was told was just around the corner if only I continued to reach... continued to push.

Then I found the power of creating micro offers based on what my audience wanted (not what I thought they needed) and everything changed!

I focused on creating offers based on what I noticed my audience struggling with (which I discovered through asking questions and surveying my email list) and for the first time ever, everything I launched was easy, fun, and profitable. I felt like a had discovered that magic pill!

I was no longer anxious about selling or creating offers based on what everyone else was doing it. Instead, I focused on creating micro offers that attracted my ideal audience and turned them into raving fans and lifelong customers and clients.

The main reason for this is that people no longer felt like I was trying to hustle them into a sale.

Fast forward to 2022: I grew my business by creating recurring income in my business through memberships that heavily rely on authentic content, content that empowers, connects, and inspires my customers into taking aligned action for their businesses.

In the time that I've had my memberships in place, I've tripled my income and I have over 500 active members in The $1K Lab, List Building Collective, and Cultivate Memberships (did I mention I was multi-passionate?!) that I connect with daily. Most of my members tell me that they bought one of my memberships because of the authentic content I shared on my sales page and they stay because of the micro offers I create for them.

Sales mostly come from my email list, retargeting ad campaigns, and my discoverable content process.

That's why creating your own micro offers can be the answer to your own creative business. Focusing in on your natural gifts, strengths, and talents, you'll discover just how easy, fun, and profitable your online business can be.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I am just starting in my online business. Will this still work for me?

A. Yes, this is a great place to get started as long as you have an offer at least mapped out. Authentic content only works for you if you've got an offer to share.

Q. I've been in business for a while. Will I still find value?

A. Yes, this planner will help you solidify your messaging. It's a great way to help you create more organic touchpoints in your business leading to more organic sales.

Q. Can I wait and buy this later?

A. Absolutely! But I can't guarantee that it will be available and that the price won't have gone up (this is a special introductory price). You know if this is right for you or not, I trust you know whether this is a priority for you right now or not.

Q. Does this only work for business to business?

A. No! This works for all kinds of businesses. If you're creative then this will be your jam. If you want to connect with your audience in a real way and ditch hard selling, this will absolutely work for you.

Q. I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?

A. No! This is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don't need to be good with tech or buy any software to implement what you'll discover.

Q. I don't have a big email list. Will this still work for me?

A. Yes, in fact, this is a great way to build your email list quickly because your ideal audience will be attracted to you and your content like moths to a flame.

Q. When will I get access?

A. You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase has been successful.

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