Unlock your path to steady monthly income by focusing on tactics and strategies that feel easy and fun for you in 90 days or less!
and all you've ever wanted was a simple, actionable step-by-step plan to reach $5k+ per month...
You get instant access to the roadmap with a walk-through video. You can get started immediately and map you your own growth plan.
The roadmap introduces you to 6 crucial growth areas supplemented with 80+ tools, resources, and video trainings. It's a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide that can dramatically improve your efficiency and accelerate your business growth.
With the roadmap's intuitive and user-friendly interface, you can easily track your progress. Witness your growth in real-time and feel the satisfaction of moving your business closer to that $5k monthly income.
Once you've watched the walk-through video and decided where to start, take action. Implement what feels easy and fun for you first and then tackle anything else once you've made a few steps forward.
For over a decade I struggled with the feast or famine revenue cycle in my business. I'd have a few good months where I'd earn $5k or more, but those would inevitably be followed by months where I scraped by on less than $1k.
The inconsistency was maddening. I'd pour everything into those high earning months, burning myself out with long hours and unsustainable effort. Then in the low months I'd feel like a failure, wondering if I was just an imposter who didn't deserve success...
Thankfully, in 2020, I discovered a way of growing my business that was both easy, fun, and sustainable. 🙌
I implemented a few simple but powerful strategies that allowed me to break out of the revenue rollercoaster for good.
And by the end of 2021 I had completely dropped the feast or famine cycle and had finally achieved consistent monthly income. For the first time in my business, I felt successful. No longer a fraud. 🎉
Now I earn $5k or more every single month, and I do it working the hours I want to work in a business I love.
No more burning out. No more imposter syndrome. Just calm, steady growth month after month. And I continue to focus only on doing the things that are easy and fun for me in my business.
❌ No more following one-size-fits-all strategies that don't align with my way of doing business.
❌ No more feeling like I have to jump on every shiny new trend for fear of missing out.
Business truly does get to be easy and fun when you simply allow it to be that way.
Below is a snapshot for the past 3 months. 👇
In those three months, I took more time away from my business than I worked on it.
I spent more time with my hubby doing fun things or simply sneaking away for a long lunch on a Friday.
I no longer 'work' on Monday's (but really, what is work when you do what you love?!).
I created the "Grow Your Business $5k Roadmap" to share the exact strategies that allowed me to leave the feast or famine cycle behind.
I don't have time to implement a new system. How long will this take?
The $5k Roadmap is designed for busy entrepreneurs like you. All resources and trainings are condensed, clear, and straightforward, enabling you to make noticeable progress—even if you only have a few hours a week. No video or audio is longer than 25 minutes, with most being 5-10 minutes.
I've tried similar programs before, and they didn't work. How is this different?
The $5k Roadmap isn't just another program—it's a step-by-step system built from real-life experiences and careful analysis of what truly works in online business today. Plus, it's flexible and adaptable to unique business models, avoiding the one-size-fits-all approach that often leads to failure. This is about helping you identify what works best for you.
I'm not tech-savvy. Do I need special software?
Don’t worry, our platform is user-friendly! You'll get instant access to the Google Sheet Dashboard. But if you don't like Google Sheets, you can download this to your own preferred spreadsheet software.
Additionally, you'll get clear walk-through videos to guide you every step of the way. You won't need advanced tech skills to successfully implement and benefit from The $5k Roadmap.
What if it doesn't work for my specific niche?
The strategies and tactics in The $5k Roadmap are designed to be versatile, effective across various niches. Whether you're selling products, offering services, coaching, teaching or sharing information, this roadmap will help you clarify your message and increase your income.
The price is too low; the product might be of poor quality. Why is it so cheap?
I believe strongly in providing high-quality resources at an affordable price, making success accessible to more entrepreneurs. This price reflects my commitment to your success—not the value of the incredible content you're about to access.
It's also priced strategically based on my own business model. I make decisions about pricing based on my overall business, not just on one individual offer. You'll discover this as you work your way through the roadmap!
I'm not sure this will give me a return on investment...
With The $5k Roadmap, you're not just buying a product—you're investing in a transformative journey that has the potential to elevate your business and set you on the path to consistent $5k months. Plus, at just $9 USD, any implementation of the strategies within will pay for itself within 24 hours!
What if I need additional support or have questions while using the product?
I understand that questions may arise as you dive into the material. That's why you have the opportunity to join the Digital Income Accelerator at anytime... based on when you're ready. Here you'll get access to daily feedback and support along with weekly 1:1 coaching with Lise.
If any of the links are broken or you can't access something, simply email lise@hustleandgroove.com and I'll get back to you soon.
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