Once you've been working on Upwork for a while, and your ratings are increasing day by day, you'll be starting to wonder (at least you should be!) how you can keep your clients and turn them into ongoing clients.
Depending on your own business setup, you may want to continue working with a client on Upwork (formerly oDesk), or you might like to encourage them to consider your ongoing monthly service fee instead, outside of Upwork.
So, how do you turn your one off Upwork client into an ongoing client?
It's no secret really (or maybe it is!). The number one way to ensure you get continued work with a client, whether on or off Upwork, is to always ensure you over-deliver on every job.
[Tweet “The #1 way to ensure you get continued work with a client is to always ensure you over-deliver on every job.”]
Over-Deliver to Turn Clients into Ongoing Clients
- Complete the job in record time, while maintaining quality output. In other words, finish the job ahead of time, but provide amazing quality.
- Provide 1-2 extra articles on the same topic between 300-400 words, as a bonus. You'll get massive ‘brownie' points for this!
- Offer some suggestions on how they can improve their blog, website, social media channels, etc (free of charge). This relates to any other skill sets you might have that complement your freelancing skills – showcase them here.
The aim of the game is to provide more value than what the client is paying for and expecting – with the cavet that you expect nothing in return.
Clients always remember freelancers that over-deliver, and even if they don't have ongoing work for you right now, they will come back to you in the future.
If you can't get a client to convert to an ongoing client, don't hesitate to ask them for a referral as well, as this is another great way to find new clients.
Aside from the above, there are a couple of other tools you can use to extend your working relationship with the clients you want to:
- Always ensure your Upwork clients know your Skype details by including them in your resume and cover letter!
- Make sure clients are aware of your portfolio/personal website. Again, include this in your resume, but also include it in your messaging to your clients as part of your signature
- As well as the above, always let your clients know you're available for ongoing work and that you enjoyed working with them – it's great to do this in the feedback area.
The bottom line is that if you do all of the above, a client will want to work with you again, and let's face it, if they are on Upwork, they have the work!
Make it your business to over-deliver on everything you do and you can't go wrong!
And by doing this and increasing your ratings, Upwork or other outsourcing sites will start to recommend you to new clients as well.
So make the most of your ratings and feedback and ensure that people know that you provide quality work plus a little extra!
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1 Response to "How to Turn an Outsourcing Client into an Ongoing Client"
[…] key to using outsourcing sites is to find a few jobs, apply, land the jobs and then convert the client to an ongoing client. I’ve successfully used oDesk to do this for the past 2 years. Use the search box to your […]