Have you ever thought how you could repurpose the content you have on your site? What about what you provide to clients?

There will come a time when you are either working for a client or writing for your own blog or business, where you'll run out of ideas.

As a writer, it can be a common occurrence, in fact, it happens so regularly to me that I have a running spreadsheet of ideas, so that should this happen, I have something to go to, to prompt the creative juices! I'd encourage you to do the same if you haven't already!

But I digress! This article isn't about what you should or shouldn't do as a writer, it's about how to repurpose content.

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And it's something you should be recommending to your freelance clients (and offering to do!) on a regular basis, particularly if you've created a large piece of work, such as a 800-1000 word blog post.

Why Repurpose?How to repurpose content Pinterest image

Great question! Basically, the reason you repurpose is two-fold. On the one hand, why wouldn't you leverage a piece of content that is of high quality again and again? And on the other, if the topic is so great, why not provide it to your audience in another way?

Those are your reasons right there.

Ways to Repurpose:

The best piece of content to repurpose is a blog post.

Think of your blog post as the starting point. This is your high quality content, it's unique and people are loving it on the blog and across social media channels. So let's leverage that engagement further!

  1. You could break the blog post down into small, bite sized pieces of content and create a series of YouTube videos around them
  2. You could create an infographic out of the post if it shows people how to do something
  3. You could create a PDF, eBook or report on the topic
  4. You could create a podcast, maybe interview someone else in your niche about the topic
  5. You could create a slideshare
  6. You could create a course or autoresponder series

The possibilities are endless! But what's the number one thing you should do when you repurpose content in this way?

Outsource it!

It makes no sense for you to spend time recreating something you've already created in the first place.

This is when you should outsource the repurposing of the content to someone else, particularly if you don't have the right skill base to create a video or podcast. Places like Fiverr or Upwork are ideal for this.

This infographic below provides an even better explanation and shows you the flow of repurposing content.

How to repurpose your great content and use it again and again! Get more posts like this from www.hustleandgroove.com

Infographic originally shared on BloggingTips.com.

So, coming up with ideas for great content doesn't have to be hard, if you know how to repurpose the content. And as a side note, having a spreadsheet full of blog ideas is another great way to ensure that you NEVER run out of ideas, for you or your clients!


Lise Cartwright
Lise Cartwright

Founder of Hustle & Groove and your creative business strategist. If you want to get notified of new posts just like the ones you see here, then make sure you join the awesome H & G community — Join Now!

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