What Kind of Entrepreneur Are You?

? Are you a Bootstrapper–sweating the details, doing everything yourself and launching only when everything is PERFECT?


? Are you a Go-Getter–enthusiastic about your ideas and quick to launch, focusing on what you’re good at and getting help with the systems that you have neither time nor inclination to learn?  

Which entrepreneur do you think will be making money in their business sooner?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]

As featured in:


You’ve imagined having your own online business…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″]One that brings in a steady flow of cash from ideal customers that you can’t wait to serve…

But let’s face it–tech and you are not besties. And an online business can’t happen without some basic systems in place. 

You’d love to have:

✔️ your email set up to build a lucrative list of people who can't wait to buy from you, 

✔️ a lead magnet they’re clamoring for, 

✔️ a cute opt-in form and a high-converting landing page,

✔️ a professionally designed funnel that brings in money like clockwork.

Sure, you’ve tried to muddle through it all on your own because you're no slouchy Suzie. But it takes forevvvaahh to get anything to work. ?[/text_block]

Does this sound like you?

Maybe you’ve signed up for an email provider, knowing that’s the first step..

You’ve dreamed of a jazzy email signature on the bottom with your picture, and maybe a super cute branded graphic header like that last email you opened from your fav influencer…

But you quickly abandoned that project because it was just too complicated.

What would you send them anyway? And what's tagging and segmenting? What about a lead magnet? How would you even deliver that? How do you even connect that to your website??

Decision fatigue is real.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”17″]Here's the thing: Your time is precious. Spending hours trying to figure it all out–only for it to not work properly–is a waste of your time. You need it to work NOW so you can move forward.

You want to focus on what you're good at… creating. But with all the things you're trying to figure out… well you don’t have any time left to create at all. And you're done. ?‍♀️

And let’s face it, all the backend details are draining your creativity anyway… which means you're even further away from reaching your audience and making money from your business.

Your dream bubble has turned into a big ol' rain cloud. ?

Before long, your online business dreams are dusted because it all just seems too hard.[/text_block]

But What If…

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″]✅ You could hand it off to someone else, especially someone who can anticipate what you need — even if you don’t know what you need yet?

✅ You had a funnel that brings in consistent cash flow allowing you to get back to creating, doing the things you love to do in your business?

✅ You could simply hand over your website domain, some content that you've written and get back a fully functional cash funnel that actually attracts and converts your ideal customer again and again… without you having to figure out ANY of the tech?

What would your business (and your life) look like if someone would do it for you? ?[/text_block]

Introducing: The Done For You Cash Funnel Setup

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″]Get the funnel that every new entrepreneur needs to start building their dream online business. [/text_block]

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”16″ font_style=”italic”]*Various levels of funnel services to choose from, depending on your dreams. ?‍♀️[/text_block]

  • The Creator Starter Package

    ? Full ConvertKit setup including tag assigning, rules, and email account templates so that every email you send looks professional and captures what your audience resonates with the most.

    ? Connect ConvertKit to your website so you can capture new subscribers with ease without ever having to worry about embed or HTML code.

    ? Your amazing welcome sequence written and scheduled so that every new subscriber gets the red carpet rolled out for them on autopilot.

  • The Creator Dream Package

    Includes everything from the Starter Package PLUS:

    ? Automated newsletter sequence with 12 months worth of newsletter prompts so you never have to worry about what to send them every month.

    ? Your best lead magnet idea designed and packaged to attract your ideal customer (as well as the setup for automatic delivery inside ConvertKit).

    ? A high converting landing and thank you page for your lead magnet that is brand specific and guaranteed to have your ideal customer thinking, “Dang, I love everything Julie's got going on. I can't wait to learn more from her!”

  • The Creator All-In Package

    Includes everything from the Starter & Dream Packages PLUS:

    ✈️ A simple proven funnel that automates your cash flow for one product (including the traffic piece aka your Facebook Lead Generation ad).

    ✈️ Set up of the brand new Canva Content Planner (aka social media scheduler) with your branded templates + 30 days of content prompts so you can get your business up and running with ease.

    ✈️ My Income Projection Calculator so you can easily predict your income and replicate your funnel for other offers you create. Simply rinse and repeat!

Get Started Now! Special Launch Pricing Available For A Short Period Of Time. Prices Will Double Soon!

  • 20+

    Save yourself 20+ hours of messaging your tech-savvy friends for help (and never feel embarrassed again)!

  • 15+

    Reclaim 15+ hours of your time so you can keep your eyes on what's important… creating!

  • 100

    Feel 100% secure in the knowledge that ALL the tech is not only taken care of, but set up the right way!

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_style=”bold” bottom_padding=”20″ width=”700″]Lise Cartwright | Founder of HustleandGroove.com[/text_block]
[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” width=”700″]”Hey Lovely! Lise here. You're fav DIY gal. Since being in business (9+ years) for myself, I have learned (and broken a few things) all the tech set up for my own business. I know what works best and what doesn't, and I've totally got your back when it comes to funnels! ConvertKit and I are best friends, and no matter what website you're using, I'll have it talking to ConvertKit like they're BFFs. Let's remove the tech piece of this and get you set up for success… and you can feel secure knowing that I'll take care of all of this PLUS the things you haven't even thought of yet…”[/text_block]

Your questions answered!

  • Q.How do I know if this is for me?

    A.Honestly, only you can answer that question! But, if you're just getting started, you need an email platform setup (which is what you'll get at the Starter Package level). If you want someone to take over all the tech side of your email marketing and funnel creation process, then either the Dream or All-In Packages are for you.

  • Q.How long will it take?

    A.From the time your payment is confirmed and your questionnaire is submitted, you will have everything in place within 21 days (possibly sooner) as long as there are no delays on your end. You will need to review things a couple of times, as long as you respond within 24 hours, then we'll be able to stick to the 21 day timeframe.

  • Q.How soon can we get started?!?!

    A.As soon as your payment is confirmed, you'll receive an email with a questionnaire to complete. As soon as that information is received, I'll begin work on your package no later than 24 hours later. I'm just as excited as you are to get things going for you!

  • Q.How much do I need to do beforehand?

    A.As soon as your payment is received, a questionnaire will be sent out to you to complete. As long as you answer all the questions, that's all you need to do. If you need more time to create some of the assets, then we can chat about extending your time. But generally, there isn't a lot for you to do… because I'm here to do the heavy lifting for you!

  • Q.What if I don't have a website yet? Can you help me with that?

    A.Yes, I can absolutely handle this for you. The fee to create your website from scratch will depend on what you are looking for. Website creation starts at an additional $497. Please reach out to me first before buying one of the packages so that we can discuss exactly what you're looking for. Email me: lise@hustleandgroove.com

  • Q.What do I do after if I run into problems?

    A.Don't worry! I got your back. You'll be given access to a library of video resources that will walk you through your account setup and what to do to manage your account and funnels moving forward. On top of this, 90 days after your account is active, I'll jump on a call with you to make sure everything is working as it should. Details about all of this will be communicated to you once payment is complete.

  • Q.What if I don't have a lead magnet?

    A.Not to worry! You can create the bones of one while we are working together. I just need the content from you, I'll take care of the design process. If you're not sure what would be a good lead magnet, check out this blog post: www.hustleandgroove.com/best-lead-magnet-ideas/

  • Q.I have a different email provider. Can I still do this?

    A.I work exclusively with ConvertKit. If you're looking to move from your current provider to ConvertKit, then I can absolutely help you with any of the packages.

    However, if you're not looking to use ConvertKit then I'm unable to help you at this time. The packages are priced as they are because I'm only using ConvertKit.

    If you're desperate and you use MailerLite or Active Campaign, for an additional fee I can help you. Please email me to discuss further: lise@hustleandgroove.com 

  • Q.How many emails are in the Welcome Sequence?

    A.The standard welcome sequence that I'll be setting up has 5 emails. When you complete the questionnaire, I'll be prompting you to provide some additional information so I can craft your unique welcome sequence.

  • Q.Can you tell me more about the funnel?

    A.The funnel will include the following:

    A Facebook Lead Generation ad (you'll be responsible for the ongoing FB ad fees) including image creation and ad copy.

    A landing page. A thank you page. A high-converting sequence.

    The ConvertKit automation setup (includes tagging, click tracking, sequence triggers etc)

    Tweaking of your sales page to make sure branding is correct across everything.

    If there's anything else you want to know, shoot me an email!

Get Started Now!

The Creator Starter Package
  • ? Full ConvertKit setup including tag assigning, rules, and email account templates so that every email you send looks professional and captures what your audience resonates with the most.
  • ? Connect ConvertKit to your website so you can capture new subscribers with ease without ever having to worry about embed or HTML code.
  • ? Your amazing welcome sequence written and scheduled so that every new subscriber gets the red carpet rolled out for them on autopilot.

This is Me!

Get started now!

The Creator All-In Package
  • ✈️ A simple proven funnel that automates your cash flow for one product (including the traffic piece aka your Facebook Lead Generation ad).
  • ✈️ Set up of the brand new Canva Content Planner (aka social media scheduler) with your branded templates + 30 days of content prompts so you can get your business up and running with ease.
  • ✈️ My Income Projection Calculator so you can easily predict your income and replicate your funnel for other offers you create. Simply rinse and repeat!

Let's Do It!

Includes everything from the Starter & Dream Packages too!