The Kick in the A$$ Program

Say goodby to overwhelm and confusion now!


Book Your Day Of Voxer Now1 PAYMENT OF $197

?  Are you feeling overwhelmed, stuck, stressed, confused… literally all the feels in your online business and need help getting clear on everything?

? Do you know what next step you need to take to reach your business goals, or are you hitting a roadblock every time  you sit down to try and make a plan?

? Are you working long hours yet wondering if what you're doing is making a difference… that it's going to actually lead to success, to consistent income, to amazing customers and clients joining your world every single day?

You need clarity in your business. ?

And a Kick in the A$$ Day of Voxer Coaching is for you.

It’s not another cookie-cutter strategy that’s suitable for everyone and anyone.

Your personal circumstances are UNIQUE, so this day of coaching is tailored to fit you–answer your most burning questions and get solutions to your problems. 

If you need immediate results, you need a Kick in the A$$. ?‍♀️

Get the support you need to get over any business hurdles you may be facing in your online business and put an end to ALL the stress, confusion, and overwhelm you experience on the daily. 

I thought the day went very smoothly and I loved how much back and forth Lise and I did. We literally live on opposite sides of the world but it was like she was just down the street!

Lise is genuinely invested in her students. She wants us to succeed and shares all she knows with us. She connects with you on a personal level and she strives to understand what you want from your business so she can best help you.

After my Day of Voxer, I implemented what Lise told me to do… I had around 100 subscribers when I started and now I’m over 400 (in just two weeks since our coaching.)

I have created 2 different workbooks and just listed 2 for sale on SendOwl.

Since my Voxer Day with Lise, I have a much clearer vision and understanding of how to know what my audience wants and how to best serve them. I also understand more about just how important nurturing our audience is to our business. It’s about truly showing up.

I can't recommend a Day of Voxer Coaching with Lise enough! ?

How Does The “Kick in the A$$” Day of Voxer Work?

Voxer is a walkie-talkie app that allows us to exchange voice and text messages. 

During our Day of Voxer Coaching, we’ll be in touch over Voxer to dive deep into whatever is keeping you from being a success in your online business.

It's time to ditch the overwhelm, stress, confusion, and anxiety and finally get a plan in place to create a business you love and automate your income month after month. ?‍♀️

Here’s how a Day of Voxer Coaching works:

#1: You choose a date for your Day of Voxer.

You don’t need to free your calendar for this. A Day of Voxer is very job and family friendly.

You just need to make sure you have enough time between your day activities to listen and reply to messages – as well as the mental space to think, process, take notes, and practice J.S.T. as needed. 

#2: We get you set up on Voxer.

If you don’t have a Voxer account, you’ll create one – it’s free!

We’ll add each other on Voxer, and you can send me a message in advance to tell me more about what’s troubling you. This way, we can dive right in when your day starts.

You'll also be provided with a pre-work workbook to make sure that we're making the most of our time together. You'll get instant access to this once your payment is confirmed.

#3: When your Day of Voxer comes, you’ll have access to me from 12pm Eastern to 12am Eastern (USA Timezone).

Don’t worry – this isn’t a 12 hour chat, and you’re not expected or supposed to be sitting by your phone waiting for replies.

We’ll be exchanging messages throughout the day at a steady yet relaxed pace. 

The best thing about a Day of Voxer is that we have space in between messages to think about ideas, take action, or process before responding.

That’s part of what makes a Day of Voxer Coaching so effective.


Book Your Day Of Voxer Now1 PAYMENT OF $197

What can we talk about / work on / accomplish during the “Kick in the A$$” Day of Voxer Coaching?

Here are some examples from past clients:

✅ Decide on what 2-3 offers I should focus on in my business to make money quickly

✅ What is the best strategy for bringing new people into my email list?

✅ What type of content should I create to nurture my new email list?

✅ Can you review my sales page and make sure I haven't missed anything?

✅ Can you look at my email sales funnel and make sure I'm getting the right points across?

✅ Can you help me create a sales funnel?

✅ Can you review the copy for my FB ad?

✅ What printables do you think I should create for my audience?

✅ After watching the Easy Earnings mini-course, which three offers do you think I should create?

It’s also okay if you’re not sure what you want to talk about. Sometimes we just know that things are off somehow, but can’t really tell why, right? That is exactly where I come in. ?‍♀️

During your Day of Voxer, I’ll be digging deep, asking questions, and keeping us on track until we get to the core of what’s stressing you out. To the real reasons why you're not making the progress you believe you should have made.

When You Book Your Day of Voxer, What You're Really Getting Is: 

?‍♀️ Support from a business coach who started out where you are right now and made the same mistakes you did… and yet, has still created a business that generates $10k months with ease.

? A clear plan of action so you know what to focus on for the next 30 days to hit the success goals you're looking to achieve.

?‍♀️ Clarity on what's making you feel stressed and overwhelmed and what you can do about it right now.

? Practical ideas to cut right to the heart of the tasks that will actually make a difference and move your business forward without wasting your time trying to figure out if what you're doing now is the right thing.

? Insights from a creative business coach who’s really good at seeing a clear plan of action, providing the exact steps to implement it, while removing the fluff and time-wasting tasks.

Ready to book your Day of Voxer and Create a 30-Day Success Plan?!

Step 1: Click the button below to choose a date for your Day of Voxer.

Step 2: Follow the prompts to complete your booking and payment.

Step 3: That’s it – I’ll see you on Voxer when it’s time!


Book Your Day Of Voxer Now1 PAYMENT OF $197

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if we’re in different timezones?

I’ll be available between:

United States: 12pm Eastern and 12am Eastern (9am – 9pm PST)

United Kingdom: 5am to 5pm

Australia: 2am Eastern to 2pm Eastern

This means that most time zones get at least a 6-12 hours of conversation during a Day of Voxer.

If your timezone doesn't work with these times (use www.worldtimebuddy.com to see what it looks for you specifically) feel free to message me about coming up with a different setup.

None of the dates available work for me.

Don’t worry. Message me using the chat box on the bottom right corner of this page, and we’ll figure something out.

What if I need to reschedule?

Life happens! I totally get it, which is why you can reschedule up to 4 hours before we are due to start. BUT… you can only reschedule once.

What kind of topic is NOT a good fit for a Day of Voxer?

Here are some examples of things that aren’t a good fit for a Day of Voxer:

You need a step-by-step tutorial on a piece of tech. Day of Voxer is NOT the right fit for this.

You're looking for a Done-for-you service such as setting up your website, creating your email funnel etc. Day of Voxer is NOT the answer.

How much time is included in a Day of Voxer?

You’ll have access to me between 4am NZT and 4pm NZT. If you're not sure what that is in your timezone, visit www.worldtimebuddy.com to convert.

Don’t worry. This doesn’t mean we’ll be communicating nonstop for 12 hours straight. That’s just the window during which we’ll be exchanging messages.

How available do I need to be over a Day of Voxer?

During a Day of Voxer, we’ll be exchanging messages at a slow yet steady pace throughout the day.

You’ll want to make sure you have enough time to listen and reply to messages, and to think, plan, take action and process. On average, we'll be chatting at least every 1-2 hours.

Is Voxer free?

Yes, it is. And it’s available for both mobile and desktop.

I have one more question before I book…

Just send me a message using the chat box at the bottom right corner of this page and I’ll get back to you within the next 12-24 hours.


Book Your Day Of Voxer Now1 PAYMENT OF $197

This is what I, from the heart, want you to understand…

You CAN be productive and stress-free when you make things simple. When you drop the overwhelm, fear and drama.

You CAN create a business you love when you're clear on what that looks like and you create a plan of how you'll achieve that…

…when you take ACTION.

When you focus on the right tasks, take action, and provide VALUE… you can't help but make money in your business.

Even if you need to pivot, once you've completed a Day of Voxer with me, you'll have a clear plan of action… no more guesswork needed!

You can have, do, and be everything you ever dreamed of. You just need to believe it.

I believe in you! You got this!

Book Your Day Of Voxer Now1 PAYMENT OF $197