Today, let's dive into a topic that's been a hot conversation among my Cultivate members: transitioning off social media and harnessing the power of private podcasts to cultivate a more intimate, private community experience for your audience.

The Downfall of Social Media Reach

One of the recurring themes I see among my members is the struggle with declining reach on social media platforms.

You could be posting daily on Instagram or TikTok, amassing over a hundred thousand followers, and still find that your content is barely being seen.

Despite the consistent effort you might be putting in, the engagement and reach just don't match up.

Sound familiar?

Why Consider Transitioning Off Social Media?

This led to a conversation within our membership about what it might look like to transition off social media.

It's not about completely ditching these platforms but rather shifting them from being the main communication channel to something more supportive, less noisy but community driven.

The goal is to foster deeper connections and provide more value in a controlled and intimate environment.

Introducing Private Podcasts with

One of the tools I recommend for this transition is, a free app that provides a seamless, private experience for your subscribers.

Hiro allows you to create private podcasts, which are perfect for building a community without the noise of social media.

The best part? Hiro offers a lifetime deal for just $67, giving you three shows that you can use for either free or paid private podcasts.

Benefits of Private Podcasts (over social media)

Free and Paid Options

With Hiro, you have the flexibility to offer free podcasts to nurture your community or paid ones to generate revenue.

For example, I've recently launched the Cultivate Your Biz show, a paid podcast that's only $3 per month.

This paid podcast provides me with an opportunity to dive deeper into topics that might feel too meta for my email community, and overwhelming for my social media followers.

And not all of my audience care about this deeper dive… so creating a private podcast that's only accessible via a specific app made a ton of sense, especially given that I want to focus on providing more exclusive content to those who want it.

What it also does is provide me with an additional channel to connect with those in my audience who love behind-the-scenes content…

The notes section of a CYB show episode.Rich Content Delivery

Unlike traditional podcast platforms, Hiro provides plenty of options to include actionable resources and steps right within the app.

This feature allows you to offer much more value to your audience without the limitations of standard podcast apps like Apple, Google, or Spotify.

A private podcast is also where I can share really specific content that wouldn't really resonate with people on social media platforms… but would with those who love deeper dives on topics within a business sense.

Case Study: My Private Podcast Experiences

Private Podcast example - The $1K LabThe $1K Lab

Currently, I run a private paid training podcast + coaching membership called the The $1K Lab.

It features 22 episodes packed with lessons that are available immediately, allowing members to consume the content at their own pace.

Besides the podcast, members get monthly coaching and custom promotion plans designed to help them achieve consistent revenue of $1,000 and beyond per month.

Learn more here about joining The $1K Lab.

The Cultivate Your Biz Show

Subscribe to the Cultivate Your Biz showI've also launched the Cultivate Your Biz show, a new paid podcast where I break down behind the scenes of my business each week.

This podcast is ideal for those who enjoy understanding the nitty-gritty details and data that drive business decisions.

It’s an amazing source of inspiration and practical insights for your own business.

Get instant access to episode one now.

Why Private Podcasts Might Be Right for Your Business

If you're tired of the declining organic reach on social media and crave a more intimate connection with your audience, private podcasts could be the solution.

Whether you offer them for free or charge a small fee, private podcasts allow you to nurture a closer, more engaged community.

And if you decide on the free option and you use, you can opt to distribute to all podcast platforms, not just the Hiro app.

Offering you flexibility no matter where you are in your business.

Ready to transition away from social media and build a closer community with your audience? Consider the lifetime deal that is providing right now.

Learn more here.

Lise Cartwright
Lise Cartwright

Founder of Hustle & Groove and your creative business strategist. If you want to get notified of new posts just like the ones you see here, then make sure you join the awesome H & G community — Join Now!

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