The BEST 24 Hour Daily Deal
of 7 Days of Celebrations!

Hang on to your seat! Today's FINAL 24 hour daily deal is the biggest one yet. Missed out on a deal during the week that you really want in on? You're gonna love what I've got for you!

This page will self-destruct (Mission Impossible style) once the timer reaches ZERO!

Today's 24 Hour Deal
Join The I AM an Author Coaching Program

Plus Get Access to ALL of This Week's Daily Deals!

Monday's Deal: Website Design & Setup for $197
Missed out on this deal on Monday? Now's your chance to grab this deal. Here's what you'll get:
- Custom WordPress or Squarespace website
- 2 Landing pages copy written and designed
- Email integration with your email platform
- Basic pages (About, Contact, Homepage, Blog, Privacy/TOS, Work with me)

Tuesday's Deal: SHB Books x 2 + SHB Masterclass for $47
Missed out on this deal? Now's your chance to grab the Side Hustle Blueprint Masterclass as well as both books, Side Hustle Blueprint: How to make an extra $1000 per month without leaving your day job and Side Hustle Blueprint: How to make an extra $1000 per month writing eBooks.

Wednesday's Deal: All H&G Courses Flash Sale 39% Off
Have you been eyeing off the courses inside the H&G School? Now's your chance to grab them at a great discount!
- The Hustle Community
- Side Hustle Blueprint Masterclass
- Build Your List
- Simple Sales Funnels
- Facebook Messenger Botts
- The 5-Day Challenge

Thursday's Deal: 1on1 Coaching Calls for $75 (50% off)
Missed out on this deal? Now's your chance to get help when you need it most. Struggling with direction? Not sure what you should be focusing on right now? Need help with your book idea, or setting up a landing page. No matter what it is, we'll nut it out in our one hour call!

Friday's Deal: Email Template Bundle for $57
Kicking yourself because you missed out on this deal? Struggling with writing your email sequences? Then you'll love being able to get your hands on this deal.
What's included:
- Welcome email sequence
- Launch sequence
- One time offer sequence
- Cold subscribers re-nurture sequence

Saturday's Deal: Email Starter & Setup Pack for $107
This was a popular deal! Looks like you guys would rather have someone write your email sequences for you as well as set them all up!
If you're kicking yourself on missing this one, you'll be glad to grab it. Not only will I write four email sequences for your nice (based on the 4 templates from Friday's deal), I'll also set them up in your email platform, including all automation rules.

Thanks Again For Celebrating With Me!

5 years in business working for myself. 5 years since I quit my job!

You are an amazing person. I truly appreciate you. Thanks so much for sticking with me through the 24 Hour Daily Deals! I hope you're able to grab something you need right now.

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