Enjoying the List Building Challenge But
Know There's Got to Be a Faster Way?


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I hope you've been enjoying the List Building Challenge. Your email list is your BIGGEST asset because you OWN it. No-one can come along and take it. Which is why it makes sense that you should be doing everything you can to increase your email list…


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Wanna Fast-Track Your List Building Muscles?


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Building your email list can be tough… there's setting up your email service provider then figuring out what to give your readers to get them to sign up…

And that's just for starters!

You've gotta create a landing page, create a form to capture email addresses not to mention write email sequences and figure out how to deliver your lead magnet.


In fact, just saying all of that makes me wanna scream.

If you're pulling your hair out or nodding along ‘yes' to everything I just said, then Build Your List is THE course you need right now.

Build Your List is a course that will step you through EXACTLY what it takes to add 30 new subscribers to your list every 7 days.

Get all the technical stuff down pat and learn what you should include in your welcome email series + so much more!


Enter the fast lane with Build Your List today!

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Don't waste your time trying to figure it all out on your own…


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That will only cause you more stress and anxiety and likely a mini heart attack.

Instead, save time, accomplish your goals, and get your list building machine working for you, 24/7!


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What are you waiting for? Do you like feeling stressed?

Stop what you're doing and click that button below to save 50% OFF!



yes let me in


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For the next 48 hours, you can get access to “Build Your List” for just $23.50 — saving 50%! But hurry, once the timer expires, you'll have to pay full price!


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