It's not enough to want to earn more money, you need to have a strong why that drives you, otherwise when the going gets tough, you might get going rather than the tough get going![/text_block]

Thinking about how you would like your ideal day to pan out, write down how you see your dream day running. Think about what you'd do when you wake up, what time would you wake up, who is next to you when you wake up, what do you do for breakfast, are you exercising, what about earning a living? What happens for lunch, after lunch, dinner, at night?
The more detail you provide here, the better.
Once you've got this written down, your next action step is to then think about what this looks like in one sentence. When someone asks you why you're side hustling, what's your one-sentence answer going to be?
Here's mine:
“I started my side hustle because I want the freedom to make choices about how I live my day. I want to be able to exercise first thing in the morning, have breakfast without rushing, spend an entire day with friends and family without having to first check that I can take a day off. To me, it's all about having the freedom to do what I love, when I want too.”[/text_block]