Lesson #2: Identifying Your Skill
Well, I call ‘bullshit’ on that! After today's exercise, you'll have more than one skill that you can start a side hustle with….[/text_block]
You’re going to need 5 individual pages for this exercise.
At the top of page one you’re going to write “What skills am I trained in?”
On page two you’re going to write, “What are my hobbies?”
On page three you’re going to write, “What am I really good at?”
On page four you’re going to write, “What do my friends, family and colleagues ask for my advice on?”
And on page five you’re going to write, “What’s something I’ve struggled with and moved through or what’s a problem I’ve had that I’ve solved?”
Now, find a quiet place and answer these questions for yourself. No overthinking this. Write the first things that come to your mind when you read each question.
It’s really important that you don’t censor yourself during this exercise.
:: Resource: Side Hustle Ideas list[/text_block]