An email with everything you need is on it’s way to your inbox!
In the meantime, check out this amazing offer!

Create offers that sell in 60 minutes or less!


When you focus on the right offers that your audience WANTS… not what you think they need.
You might be just at the start, figuring out what to sell in your online business, wondering what the right mix should be.
Decision fatigue has set in! ?
You're bombarded with options.
On the one hand, you feel like creating a high-ticket offer is the way to go… but you've never done that before and you NEED cashflow now.
On the other hand, you've heard that creating digital offers is the way to go… but you've got no idea what to offer or where to start.
I get it.
With all the tech setup required, and figuring out what to sell, you find yourself spinning your wheels. Why can't you figure this stuff out?! ?♀️
EVERYONE around you keeps saying “it's easy to make money online” but you've got no idea HOW that would work for you, let alone where to start.
But you do understand one thing: you NEED to make money now.


Once you know how your ideal day pans out and what your business looks like coupled with the type of person YOU want to work with, creating offers becomes easy.
Creating offers that you THINK people need will not lead to easy sales though. Give people what they want and bake in what you know they NEED…
Don't make this harder than it needs to be. You can create offers that sell in a few short hours.
Your offers don't need to be complicated to sell. Creating them needs to be easy so you are excited to offer it to your ideal target customer…


A 60 minute training created to help you get clear on EXACTLY what you need to do to create offers that sell WITH EASE so that you can make money quickly and consistently – NO MATTER where you're at right now.
I’m going to rapidly, but powerfully, teach you WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW so that you can start making money WITH EASE, but in a way that ensures you're selling what people want + what YOU feel excited to create — because creating offers that you think people need is cool, but if it isn't what people WANT and what aligns with the business you want to run, it doesn’t really matter.
SUPER IMPORTANT: You get to decide what YOUR business looks like. You'll learn how to map out offers that you can create in less than 60 minutes… but you'll still need to KNOW who your target audience is and WHAT they need really need right now. And I'll be over-delivering like never before because I know it’s what so many of you NEED right now. I got your back.

I went from making $4,322 per month to $10,519+ per month in January 2020.
It's likely that, if you've been in my world for a while, you saw my business model change around that time.
I started allowing my creativity to flow.
I started creating offers that were easy and fun for me to do.
I started focusing on what my customers wanted.
And my business became EASY and FUN.
After a year of chasing my tail, chasing the sale, and chasing all the strategies I could, I finally decided to ditch the overwhelm, drop the drama, and take control of my business.
For too long, I'd given up control to other people's ideas of what I SHOULD be doing and creating in my business.
I was ‘shoulding' all over the place!
But with a quick gut-check, refame, and pivot, my business changed for the better.
And I haven't looked back since.

Now, I'm averaging over $10k per month. It's easy. It's light. And most of all, it's fun.
I filter every idea and opportunity through this one question: Does it feel easy and fun for ME?
If it doesn't, then I leave it. I walk away and focus on the things that ARE easy and fun.
Today, I'm in control of my earnings. I create what feels good to me, what serves my audience — without all the drama and overwhelm.
Even in light of what we're facing today, I remain calm and confident. I know EXACTLY what I'm meant to be doing to bring income into my business with ease.
I want this for you too.


This could be the exact turning point you need right now…
You just have to be willing to take action.


- ACCESS to the training video + slides
- ACCESS to the Micro Offers workbook — capture all your ideas as you watch the live training!
- BONUS COURSE: Instant Access to the Sales On Autopilot Training (valued at $297), everything you need to automate your income month after month
- LIFETIME ACCESS to everything above via the private membership site (YES! It's all recorded)



Q: Who is this training program for?
A: Anyone who wants to learn how to quickly and easily create products that are easy to setup and easy to sell in less than 60 minutes. It's also for you if you're just starting your online business and aren't sure what to sell or how to get started.
Q: How is this different to the Printable Profits Workshop?
A: Great question! In Printable Profits we walked through how to create digital PDF printables. In Micro Offers, I'll be sharing with you how to create FIVE different offers like workshops, mini-courses and bootcamps among other things. Nothing to do with printables ?♀️
Q: How/when is the training delivered?
A: The training is available inside the private membership site, which you'll get INSTANT ACCESS to once you sign up.
Q: I’ve never created a digital product. Can it really be that easy?
A: Yes! It’s so much easier to get started than you think. You'll learn exactly what offer you should create right now, how to create it, where to store it, and how to deliver it. EVERYTHING you need to know will be covered.
Q: Will I have to spend more money?
A: Not at all. While you may want to upgrade some of the tools I tell you about, everything mentioned has a free option. This is about making money, not spending it!
Q: How long before I can start making money?
A: That’s up to you and your motivation/organizational skills. I'll provide you with some options and best practices so you know what is the best option for you and your business.
Q: Are there any bonuses?
A: Yes! Those are outlined above, but in case you missed them, you get instant access to my mini-course, Sales on Autopilot. All yours as soon as you sign up.
Q. I'm not good at tech, can I still join?
A: The good news is, yes you can! All the tech walk-throughs are provided and if you're still not sure on something, tag me in the Empowered Hustle Community and I'll get you sorted. I got your back!

It doesn't matter where you are in your business right now. It doesn't matter how much (or how little) you're making. It doesn't matter that you might have failed in the past…
I'm not saying this to brag, but to simply illustrate a point.
Even with everything that's going on right now, I remain calm. I continue to create based on what my audience wants AND what I feel equipped to create.
I continue to make money because I consistently take action on my sales plan.
Simplicity is key in times of uncertainty.

Even if you need to pivot, the skills you'll learn from this workshop can be repeated over and over again.
I know this because I've done it. And I know, 100% that you can do this too.
I'm not going to lie and tell you that there's no work to be done. Because there is. But it's about working smarter, not harder.
60 minutes or less is all it takes to create most of the micro offers I'll be sharing with you.
You might feel doubtful that you can do this.
But you know what’s harder? Being broke.
You will make money with ease when you focus on serving first, helping your audience, and delivering offers they WANT.
You will make money and have fun when you focus on creating offers you're excited to do and align with HOW you want your business to look.
It's time to drop the overwhelm, ditch the drama, and get clarity on what you need to do RIGHT NOW to make money in your business.
See you inside!