Let’s face it – when you’re just starting out as a creative entrepreneur, you’re more often than not, not going to have access to any writing clips of published work in your portfolio.

This can make it difficult to land jobs initially – which is why, when you’re just starting out as a freelancer, it’s important to be doing more than just contacting magazines for work – you need to be diversifying your approach and as Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income says; “Be Everywhere”.

“Nice one Lise”, I hear you saying to yourself, “I’m not Pat Flynn – how do I BE everywhere?!”

It’s easy, just follow the strategies below and you’ll be landing clients and jobs in no time. And adding clips and items to your portfolio.

You just have to take action.

Remember, nothing is going to happen unless you put pen to paper, finger to keyboard, feet to ground…

5 Strategies to “Be Everywhere” to Land Clients and Add to Your Portfolio

Just starting out in your freelancing career? Not sure how to find clients and build your portfolio? Click through to learn more and start your portfolio today.

Strategy 1 – Outsourcing Sites

Do you have your profile setup on all the major outsourcing sites yet? I’m talking about sites like Upwork, Freelancer etc.

This is the first place to start and get runs on the board in terms of jobs and building your portfolio.

Some tips on setting up your profile the right way:

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  • Always include a photo – keep it semi-professional and a nice close up of your face
  • Always complete your profile 100% – clients are more likely to take your more seriously if your profile is completed
  • Complete any tests to support the skills you’re saying you can do
  • Treat your bio/overview area like a sales letter – make it about what you can provide the client, not about you


If you need help setting up your profile, check out my Udemy course How to Pimp Your Profile now!

Strategy 2 – Social Media

This might sound obvious, but are you active on your social media accounts? Do the people that follow you know what you do? If not, it’s time to update your profiles, link back to your website and promote your skills.Managing your social media accounts

Twitter is a great place to connect with potential clients – make sure that you post your blog posts here.

Create a Facebook group if you can’t find one that suits your needs – invite like-minded individuals to it and network your ass off!

LinkedIn is also a great place to promote your services. Make sure your profile is detailed and complete. Join some groups in your niche and also post your blog posts here, particularly if they highlight your skills.

Just remember – don’t be spammy with what you’re sharing via social media channels – make it an 80/20 mix – 80% other people’s content and 20% your content.

Strategy 3 – YouTube

Start a YouTube channel that provides tips or hacks about your niche.

As a creative entrepreneur, this is a great way to establish your expertise and get some more ‘link juice’ back to your linked website.

[Tweet “Start a YouTube channel that provides tips or hacks about your niche.”]

If you don’t like being in front of the camera, simply create quick PowerPoint /Keynote presentations and share these. Aim for videos that are no more than 2 minutes in length – short and sweet is the key here.

Some YouTube channels to check out for some inspiration are:

Strategy 4 – Local

One of the easiest ways to find clients is to look locally.

Think your local café that you frequent often – does the copy on their website need a review or updating? Can you help them craft great social media messages or write their blog for them? What about your local mechanic? Can you offer him the same deal?

If you already have a relationship with local businesses, they're often a great place to start. Offer them a discount because you're just setting up your business and you’ll have your first clients within a few weeks!

Strategy 5 – Join an Online Community

You need support while you're starting out, and most likely, your family and friends are not doing the same thing you’re doing – who can you talk to on a regular basis to help keep you motivated and sane? An online community of your peers, that’s who!

For me, it’s the forum within Location Rebel – everyone in there is on a similar path to my own, so I can vent and share my trials and tribulations there. I also belong to a mastermind group that meets every other week to chat about any issues we’ve got and to seek a deeper level of advice.

Using all of the above strategies will not only bring your more clients, but it will also create work to add to your portfolio and create the much needed ‘clips’ you’ll need as a freelance writer pitching magazines.

Freelancing can be tough – but if you consistently do the above, you’ll get traction. Then it all comes running at you, all at once!

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Lise Cartwright
Lise Cartwright

Founder of Hustle & Groove and your creative business strategist. If you want to get notified of new posts just like the ones you see here, then make sure you join the awesome H & G community — Join Now!

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