Let's get you to a place of clarity & action...

So you can GROW an online business that's easy, fun & profitable!

I've helped 1,000s of creative entrepreneurs get out of their own way and get to a place of clarity so that they can take action and grow an online business they love...

Wahoo! You're ready to either GROW your audience or your offers...

Growing your audience and offers is the most important ongoing activity you can do to ensure you have new people (and new/refined offers) coming into your world every day.

Without an audience, you have no way of making sales.

Without an offer, you have nothing to sell.

To determine your best next step, depends on the phase of business you're in right now...

STARTUP SALLY: You're in this phase if you've just started your business or you're making less than $1k per month
LAUNCHING LUCY: You're in this phase if you've got 1-2 low-cost offers, a small email list, and you're making $1k-$2k per month 
GROWING GABBY: You're in this phase if you've got multiple offers at varying prices, an engaged email list and you're making $2k or more per month (consistently.
MONEY-MAKING MARY: You're in this phase if you've got multiple offers, an email list of 5k or more subscribers and you're making $5k or more per month (consistently).

Depending on the phase you're in, your growing activities will be different.

Resources to help you GROW your audience and offers:

Startup Sally? 

Your focus is to build an audience in preparation for presenting them with an offer. The goal is to get to 500-1000 email subscribers (not followers on social media). There are several ways to build your email list:

1. Run lead generation ads

2. Join a collaboration (or host one)

3. Organic methods

Which one feels like the easiest place to start with?  This is always about doing what feels right for you.


Launching Lucy?

Your focus is to validate your offer(s) with your audience. You'll also want to continue to grow your audience every month. The goal is to get 1k or more engaged email subscribers with 5% conversion from your emails. 

The fastest way to validate is to pre-sell your offers.

The fastest way to grow an engaged email list is to add people every day. Lead gen ads are my recommendation if you have a budget of $150-$300 per month to spend.

The goal is to focus on what feels easy and fun for you. 

GET YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CHART (with a business view).


Growing Gabby?

Your growing activities are going to depend on what you're currently doing and how well that's working. 

If you're email list isn't converting as well as you'd hoped, then you might need to grow your audience and remove cold subscribers.

If you're offer suite is in place but they aren't converting how you'd hoped, then you might need to tweak and refine your offers.

What feels easy and fun for you?

GET YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CHART (with a business view).

JOIN THE $1K LAB membership to automate your list building efforts and monthly sales so you can grow your business.

Money-Making Mary?

Your growing activities are going to depend on the type of business model you currently have (or want to add).

If you have recurring income (like a membership) then you'll want to focus on bringing new people into your world.

If you're a coach, you might be focused on adding more offers to your suite to meet your audience where they are at.

If you're a non-fiction author, you might be looking to add different offers to increase your income on the backend.

GET YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CHART (with a business view).

JOIN THE CULTIVATE MEMBERSHIP to get 1-on-1 support to help you create systems and automations for your marketing and sales.

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