Recently, I've become obsessed with plannersβ€”so much so that I've tried several different planners which provides me with a unique ability to provide you with my planner recommendations.

Why? I've used a lot of them!The best planner recommendations for business success

If you hadn't already guessed, I'm somewhat of a stationery fanatic… I find it difficult to walk past a kikki-K or Typo store without popping in and ‘browsing' their latest and greatest.

The same can now also be said of planners and moi.

I think it has something to do with the fact that I'm also an organisational freak and get my kicks out of planning.

I know, I know, there's something wrong with me, but you know what, I don't care! Planners and stationery make my heart sing!

So if you're in the mood for a new planner, here are some you should definitely check out.

Start your research into the best planner for your needs below.

Full Disclaimer: This post does include affiliate links. This doesn't make the products any more expensive to you, but it does provide me with a small commission, should you choose to purchase through my links πŸ™‚

Top 5 Planner Recommendations to Ensure Your Success

#1: Passion Planner

This is numero uno for me. I've been using the Passion Planner since August 2016 and I am in love with it.

Planner Recommendations: Passion Planner

You get a weekly spread that allows you to schedule your work by the half hour as well as choose a focus for the week.

Choosing a focus for the week helps keep me aligned with my 90-day plan as well, so I love that this is included.

The other features that I love about Passion Planner are:

  • The little quotes and actions suggested to you each week
  • Space to write down personal to-do's
  • An extra white space for capturing ideas or writing more lists
  • The ability to make the planner your own
  • Monthly reflections and reviews

Sneak peek inside my Passion Planner

The Passion Planner is ideal for the person looking for a guiding hand in setting goals and sticking to them.

Get creative and add stickers and images as well.

Follow Passion Planner on Instagram to see how others are using their Passion Planners!

Passion Planner on Instgram

You can buy Passion Planner here. Mention my email address ( for special bonuses and FREE planners!

#2: Self-Journal

The Self-Journal is what I started 2016 off with. And while I loved it while I used it, it annoyed me that it only lasted for six months, meaning that I had to buy two to last a whole year!

What I did love about the Self-Journal is the ability to track your goals and reflect on the good things that happened at the end of the day. As well as what you're grateful for first thing in the morning.

I got a lot of things done using the Self-Journal, and if you're considering it, check out the vlog I did when I first received it!

[video_player type=”youtube” width=”853″ height=”480″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS94Si1BUlpCV0IxQQ==[/video_player]

You can buy the Self-Journal here:Β

#3: Erin Condren Life Planner

These planners are amazing! I haven't used one yet, but I'm seriously considering getting one, because you can always have more than one planner, amiright?!

The main planner that Erin Condren offers is called the Life Planner and is completely customizable, right down to the front cover.

You can choose from three types of layouts, choose to have a 12-month or 18-month calendar as well as choose from a lot of colour options.

Planner Recommendations: Erin Condren LifePlanner

I'm considering it for my 90-day planning and project management. That way, I can keep my Passion Planner for day-to-day stuff.

I know what you're thinking β€” this is a lot of planning, lol! And while I also use apps like Trello and Todoist, I'm learning Sketchnotes right now and love being able to express myself more creatively in my planners in this way.

This is why I'm using physical planners more.

You can grab your own Life Planner by Erin Condren here:Β

#4: Bullet Journal

While there is no set journal type for a bullet journal, I have tried this in the past and found it not structured enough for me.

I do incorporate some of the aspects of bullet journaling into my Passion Planner, such as:

  • Using bullets for tasks
  • Using signifiers to highlight tasks further

A bullet journal is a completely different way of approaching your to-do list and day-to-day planning.

For full details on how it works, watch the video below:

[video_player type=”youtube” width=”853″ height=”480″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS9mbTE1Y21ZVTBJTQ==[/video_player]

You can buy any type of journal, but journals with dots (like a grid) on the page tend to work best.

Try these options:Β 

#5: kikki-K Planner

If you're looking for more of a traditional planner, then kikki-K have you covered.

I love all their options and they also provide inserts and stickers to go along with their planners.

Planners from kikki-K

One cool thing about kikki-K is that if you have a store in your local area, they offer live workshops.

So if you're struggling with planning and organizing, then join one of the free workshops.

I personally don't like traditional planners because I find them limiting but I have friends who swear by them and love the kikki-K range.

You can buy them online here:

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The one thing about having a planner is that if you don't know what your goals and direction are for the year, then your planner isn't going to help you much.

Get those set and sorted first. Start with your one-page business plan then set your vision, mission and values and then work out your 90-day plan from there.

Once those pieces are in place, your planner will help you stay focused and on track with all the things!

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Lise Cartwright
Lise Cartwright

Founder of Hustle & Groove and your creative business strategist. If you want to get notified of new posts just like the ones you see here, then make sure you join the awesome H & G community β€” Join Now!

    6 replies to "My Top 5 Planner Recommendations for Ongoing Success"

    • Eric

      Interesting planners … I need to be more proactive in this area, so I think I will try one of these … thanks!

      • Lise Cartwright

        I personally vouch for the Passion Planner Eric. I love how it breaks everything down into half hour time slots and I can map out my week πŸ™‚

    • Hannah

      I am addicted to planners!! The Passion planner looks very similar to the diary I use at the moment! Thank you so much for sharing!

      • Lise Cartwright

        Hi Hannah, you’re welcome. Passion Planner is awesome and I’m glad you’re using something similar.

    • Gabriela

      I understand your office supply obsession. I have to avert my eyes sometimes because I know I don’t need any more notebooks! I have used Passion planners for the last two years and loved them! Then another planner caught my eye (like they do) and I have been using it this year. It’s the Dragontree Dreambook and Planner. I like it because it really gets you figuring all the things out in the planning phase. Of course it is way lofty and has a ten year plan page, but I just use the next three years, I can’t think that far ahead. It also has checklists for making sure you are taking care of yourself every week, but I think the calendar layout does get a bit overwhelming with all the questions it asks, every week. Anyway, just thought I would tell you about another planner. I may switch back to the Passion Planner if I can’t get this one to gel with me.

      • Lise Cartwright

        Hi Gabriela, I’m glad I’m not alone in my obsession πŸ™‚ Honestly, my hubby stops me from walking into office supply stores all the time, he’s so mean πŸ˜‰ Thanks for recommending another planner, I’m off to check it out online (what hubby doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?!) – and I use more than one planner, so you could do the same too πŸ™‚

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