Today I wanted to try something different. Today, I want to provide you with blogging and business tips from other sources so that you can get the best information from many sources.
I've always found that getting as much information as I can on a topic, then taking the bits and pieces that resonate with me, leads to me learning faster and being able to implement what I learn, faster.
So in the spirit of sharing, below are some of the best posts, podcasts and general information that I've been reading this week about blogging and online business strategies.
Blog & Business Tips From The World Wide Web
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- Are you creative? Do you create things in your side hustle to sell? Perhaps you're a photographer? Then you should check out this short and sweet post about how to make money as a creative.
- If you're looking to work from home in the near future, here's some tips on how to manage stress while working from home. It's definitely something you need to think about because working from home brings its own challenges…
- Are you using CoSchedule yet? This post from my new friend Joel tells you how to schedule your social media posts using the tool, with screenshots so you can see exactly how to do this yourself!
- This blog post is directed at those of you who think you can't create or teach a course! If you are writing a blog, then you can definitely teach!
- Are you using Instagram as your main social media platform? If you are, did you know that you can now post any photo to your Instagram account? So that means if you've got a ton of photos sitting on your computer, you can now repurpose them on your Instagram account!
- If you're looking to make the most of your morning and set yourself up right for the day, then you need to read this post about how to have a kickass morning! Get a ton of stuff done when you focus on these simple tasks.
- If you want to analyze your blog posts in Google Analytics further than what they provide, this walk-through will show you how to put your blog posts into word count categories so you can see what the average length of blog posts are getting the most traction. I'm going to do this for H&G too!
- Have you been struggling to blog consistently? Then this challenge from ProBlogger is what you need. I've just completed the 7 days of blogging and if you need a kickstart or need to figure out what posts work best for you, then it's worth checking out!
I hope you find these resources super helpful and can take action on at least one of them to improve your blog or business today!
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2 replies to "Reading Roundup: Blog & Business Tips From Around the Web"
Oh gosh! Thank you for including my Kickass Morning post. Love this list – I have to figure out the course thing so I’m heading over there now! – Jackie
You’re so welcome Jackie, your post was so inspiring and helpful, it was easy to include it here 🙂