I talk about oDesk (now Upwork) a lot on this blog, and that's because I made my first dollars online there and some of my best clients came from there.
As you start out in your freelancing career, it's a good idea to be prepared for the inevitable "when clients go bad" scenario.
There is no way to avoid a
The biggest problem with setting freelancing rates is that you've got no idea where to start, particularly if you're new to freelancing. It's hard to set a freelancing rate if
When it comes to your online persona, you're just a speck in the vast galaxy that makes up the world wide web. Every day, someone somewhere is adding their voice
Below is a guest post from the team over at Bolton Remote who are doing some pretty amazing things with remote teams and freelancers. If you're a freelancer and looking to
I finally reached the point about 6 months ago where I needed to bring on a part-time virtual assistant. I was really excited, I couldn't wait to delegate tasks that