Fear is one of those emotions that can absolutely stop you in your tracks… it can cripple you and stop you from moving forward. It can make you think things are there that really aren't and it can make you do silly things for fear of some other recourse.
But all is not lost! There is hope…
I've learned to use fear to fuel my quest to live a life I want. I deal with fear on a daily basis… good ole Neville (my little mind chatterer) reminds me constantly of things I should be worried about.
“Lise, I don't think we should launch the Side Hustle Blueprint course, those video's just aren't good enough.”
“How are we going to pay all our bills this week Lise?”
“Lise, no-one is going to pay for our new course, I think we should just give up now!”
This is just a sample of what Neville has to say on a daily basis. He's also pretty good at letting me know that I'm getting a little too podgy around the tummy, that just because I want something doesn't mean I'm going to get it.
Honestly, Neville is kind of a hater, don't you think?
But without Neville, at least for me, I wouldn't be where I am today. Because despite (or is it in spite of?!) all his worries and fears, I'm moving forward with the Side Hustle Blueprint course, I'm continuing to exercise and I simply take on a little freelance work if we are a little low on funds.
I use my fear to fuel my endeavours. I overcome it because I have a strong belief in my abilities and that I can do anything I set my (conscious) mind to!
It hasn't always been this way though. And I'm sure that at some point, you'll be struggling too. If this is the case for you right now, then you're gonna love what I've got in store for you!
Below are my top five blog posts, videos and podcasts on overcoming fear. Dig into each of them when you need a pick me up!
Table of Contents
5 Blog Posts on Overcoming Fear
#1: Uncommon Help
This article on overcoming anxiety and fear is brilliant. It illustrates, very quickly, just how powerful our minds are and how our imagination can trick us into seeing or believing things that aren't even true, or haven't even happened yet.
Here's how the beginning of the article starts:
Legend has it that Nasrudin was walking alone at night when he saw a group of people approaching in the far distance. Instantly, his imagination began to toy with him: “They are surely robbers!” he thought. “No, why just robbers? Murderers, cutthroats! About to set upon me, a lonely traveller, leave me for dead and steal all my possessions! How are my wife and children going to cope without me?!” – See more at: http://www.uncommonhelp.me/articles/overcome-fear-and-anxiety/#sthash.MuLzUYl1.dpuf
#2: Anxiety Coach
If you find yourself anxious a lot, this article will help you identify why this is. It talks about the Anxiety Trick, something that a lot of us experience but aren't fully aware of.
You'll learn how to recognise when this trick is in action and what tools you can use to overcome your anxiety.
Here's a sample from the article:
It's because there's no danger that people seek help for these fears. People recognize that they're getting afraid when they're not in danger. If they were actually in danger, they would just protect themselves as best they could, and be better off for it. – See more at: http://www.anxietycoach.com/anxietytrick.html
#3: Art of Living
I love the perspective provided by this article and it is one that I refer back to often. The opening quote “Fear is nothing but loved turned upside down” — is one that I remember and say to myself often.
Through meditation, understanding fear can help to alleviate it taking over your life. I often come back to this article and the subsequent exercises when I'm feeling overwhelmed by Neville's incessant chatter.
A little teaser from the article:
Fear is nothing but love upside down. Think about it: what are you scared of? Something that you don’t like or something unknown to you, isn’t it? For instance, if you are scared of not being able to finish your work on time, it’s because you probably do not like being scolded by your boss, or if you are scared of playing a badminton match, it’s probably because you are unsure of who is going to win. – See more at: http://www.artofliving.org/meditation/meditation-for-you/understanding-fear
#4: Wakeup Cloud
This is a powerful article that provides 33 ways to overcome fear. One of the great things about this article is that it doesn't pull any punches. If you need a bit of a ‘wakeup' then this is the article you should read.
I won't ruin the surprise of what's in store, but suffice to say if you need a big ole' kick in the pants, then this is the article you need to read!
#5: Entrepreneur.com
If you're worried about something in your business, then this article is for you. As entrepreneurs we are constantly taking risks, and we recognise that there is an element of the unknown in the risks we choose to take.
Where the danger comes in is when we allow our fears of the unknown to stall us, to stop us from taking a leap of faith. This article provides three very clear and actionable ways to overcome this fear and keep moving forward.
A snippet from the article:
One thing I want you to understand is that fear is absolutely normal. Even the best experience fear from time to time. The key is to not let fear hold you back and prevent you from taking action and go after what you want in life. – See more at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/236465
5 Videos on Overcoming Fear
Rather than provide an explanation about each of the videos below, you just have to watch them. Honestly, these five videos alone will help you overcome fear, every, single time!
#1: Brendon Burchard on using your mind to overcome fear
#2: Tim Ferriss on smashing fear
#3: Karen Thompson Walker on what fear can teach us
#4: Olympia Lepoint on reprogramming your brain to overcome fear
#5: Jonathan Fields on tturningfear into fuel
5 Podcasts on Overcoming Fear
If you have a constant chatterer like my Neville going on inside your head, plugging into these podcasts consistently will help still Neville and provide you with the tools you need to tell fear to taking a flying leap!
#1: Steve Pavlina
Podcast episode 008 discusses various ways that you can overcome fear with a focus on personal development techniques.
#2: The Anxiety Guru Show
This entire podcast is dedicated to dealing with anxiety. Subscribe and listen to this show on your way to work, while you workout at the gym or when you've got incessant chatter going on that's making you feel like crap!
#3: Dr Ben Kim
In this podcast episode, Dr Kim talks about how to overcome chronic fear and anxiety. He he has many other podcast episodes that deal with other aspects of life that you might find of interest as well, definitely worth checking out further.
#4: Learn Out Loud
In this particular podcast episode, you'll hear from Wyatt Webb, a “colorful and creative therapist”, on how to overcome fear and self-doubt.
#5: Lewis Howes
Lewis Howes is a particular fave of mine, he's written some great books and this podcast episode is one of the best I've heard on how to overcome fear of failure, because if we're really honest with ourselves, that's what a lot of our anxiety is over, the fear of failing at something we're invested in.
Overcoming Fear: Can we really do it?
I don't think we'll ever fully overcome fear — I think it's more that we learn how to deal with it and cope with the other emotions it evokes.
To overcome fear is to understand and realise that what you imagine being the worst case scenario is often something that will never actually happen, but that once you're fully aware of this worst case, you then put mechanisms in place to avoid this coming to pass… you also put out into the Universe that you're putting your foot forward in a different direction, so the world shifts to make your new perspective take shape…
At least that's my take on it!
Here's one last resource that you might like to check out if you're dealing with fear in your business… a book I co-authored with a friend of mine last year called “Free Your Fear“. It's available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions. Make sure you grab the freebies inside too!
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2 replies to "Top 15 Blog Posts, Videos and Podcasts on Overcoming Fear"
If you can get over your biggest fear, then you will be unstoppable. I came out of the closet, and then aftewards, I ran amok over the years that followed. Face down what scares you the most, and you will gain immeasurable power from defeating it!
Completely agree Eric! It’s like you have to feel that fear, sit with it and then move through it in spite of it. Congrats on defeating your own fears and living your true self!