I don't care how long you've been in business or if you're just starting out, we all face fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what will happen if we take that next step, fear of not doing anything, of not changing or taking a risk. Fear is in our daily lives.
How we deal with it on a day-to-day basis will determine whether we're successful in life or whether we just go through the motions, never achieving what we want to do with our life.
I don't know about you, but I know which camp I'd rather be in.
But that's all good and well Lise, I hear you saying. But how do I overcome fear? How do I push through it?
So glad you asked!
Below are my top five TED talks specifically around overcoming fear. They have helped me to achieve success and pull me up when I couldn't do it myself. Enjoy.
They also inspired me to write a book about kicking fear in the face, you might also find that helpful too!
Table of Contents
TED Talk 1 – David Kelly
How to build your creative confidence…
TED Talk 2 – Tim Ferriss
Smash fear, learn anything…
TED Talk 3 – Lesley Hazleton
The doubt essential to faith…
TED Talk 4 – Joe Kowan
How I beat stage fright…
TED Talk 5 – Karen Thompson Walker
What fear can teach us…
How do you face fear? Are you even aware that fear is holding you back? Have you overcome fear? Share your stories in the comments below!
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7 replies to "Top 5 TED Talks For Overcoming Fear"
Thanks for the great talks on overcoming fear! Like many people, I struggle with fear in many aspects of my life. Here is another great TED talk I found on “Doing the Impossible, Cutting Through Fear” by Dan Meyer:
Thanks for the share on the Dan Meyer TED talk, it looks great!
[…] and more! … Top 5 TED talks for overcoming fear […]
[…] never too late to reset my life. From Lara Casey and her Power Sheets. From Ira Glass*, Ted Talks, and my daughter Klara, who stands in front of our full-length mirror and marvels with glee over […]
[…] TED Talks that show me that other's have been through this too (for […]
While Lesley Hazelton’s “The Doubt Essential to Faith” is one of my favourite talks of all time, whether TED or any other kind, I don’t see how it applies to overcoming fear…..
Hi Jim, thanks for your comment and your opinion. Personally, doubt to me is a form of fear, and because I also love Lesley’s talk, and found it helpful in battling my own doubts and fears, it’s why I recommended here 🙂