As a freelancer who has found most of her clients on Upwork, I've learnt what works for creating a proposal and what doesn't.
It took me a lot of trial and error to get to a point where I now get through to the interview stage and land the job 95% of the time.
Most freelancers fail at their profile setup and proposal pitches — both of these areas are the bread and butter of a successful freelancer — you can't really have one without the other.
Your skills, what you can do, are secondary here because if you can't land the client with your profile and proposal, you'll never get to showcase your talent anyway!
In my course, Pimp Your Profile, I go into a lot of detail about how to write a proposal that gets jobs, the templates that I use.
The infographic below depicts some of those best practices and when implemented, will help any freelancer land more clients.
Anatomy of a Successful Freelance Proposal
Try these out for yourself and see what works for you. The key is to keep trying and perfecting your proposal pitch and making sure that you change it and customise it for each client.
Generic proposals are easy to spot — don't land yourself in the ‘no' pile because of this silly mistake!
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