This blog post on niching down is in direct response to a question that was asked inside the Cultivate membership during a Voxer Coaching Day a few weeks ago.

The question was “I don't want to niche down because I want to help women heal from their pasts and that could be many different subjects. But how do I still attract clients if I'm not niching down?”

I had a visceral response to this question. I wanted to reach through the computer screen and pull this member into a big hug, then grab her shoulders and give her a quick shake while exclaiming “You don't need to niche down!”

Niching down support

There are a few more layers to this, so let me step back a little…

Embracing a Broader Perspective: Reconsidering the “Niching Down” Strategy

There are a few different reasons why I feel this way and why I believe that “niching down” isn't the answer.

The Human Design Perspective

As a Manifesting Generator, from the human design framework, niching down doesn't work for me. I find it extremely difficult to just pick one thing, one audience, or one offer. So niching down has always felt extremely difficult. And whenever I've followed that line of advice in my business, within six months, I'm bored.

If you feel the same way and you haven't run your human design chart, I highly encourage you to do that here.

Now there are cases where niching down might make sense for you…

SIDE NOTE: I'm going to lay this all through the Human Design lens. The reason why I'm layering it through that is because human design allows you to truly understand how you're designed to operate in a way that's easy and fun. In a way that is natural to you. In a way where you don't have to think about things.

Manifesting Generators typically aren't designed to niche down. Manifestors are kind of the same. You kind of like to have lots of different interests and you like to move around. I want to remind you—if you are struggling to pick a niche, you don't have to do it!

niching down mythsI'm also going to give you some ideas about what that looks like, how do you translate that into clients? How do you translate that into money? How do you create offers?

But maybe you're reading this and you're saying to yourself, “But I do have a niche and I love niching down.”

The flip side of that is from a human design perspective if you are a Generator, you might find that you have this one thing that you only want to talk about and that's totally fine.

Niching down can work for you if you're a Projector, you might also have this amazing zone of genius. All you want to do is talk about that because you can clearly see all of the issues, problems, and challenges that your audience is currently facing, and you don't want to talk about lots of different things.

However, you also might be a Projector who's like, “You know what, I have lots of things that I'm interested in, and niching down doesn't feel right.”

At the end of the day, it always comes back to this: What feels easy and fun for me in my business?

I'm not here to tell you that you have to niche down and I'm certainly not here to tell you that you don't need to niche down either… unless it makes sense for you.

But what if you're a Reflector? A Reflector is a true chameleon and can change and go with the flow depending on where they are at in the lunar cycle, but also depending on where the planets are transiting through gates, channels, and centers. So as a Reflector, you are designed to go with the flow.

You might find niching down helpful and then at other times you might not. It's about building in flexibility.

Implementing this in business

Once you have an idea of how you're designed then how do you go about putting that into practice in your business? How do you then go “Okay, well, if everyone's telling me to niche down, but I don't want to niche down, how do I translate that into actual clients or getting paid?”

The way that I have always worked, and again, I'm a Manifesting Generator… I just want to keep reminding you of this as you have to filter everything here through the question of what's easy and fun for me.

I do want to share what has worked for me in the hopes that this will give you some inspiration. To kind of think about how you could do things in your own business.

For me, it's very much about creating things in response to my audience. That is kind of my first step.

I have a fairly broad audience, and that is why I love working with multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs.

Now I could narrow it down a little bit further and say that I enjoy working with women. And maybe if I wanted to narrow it down even further, I might say that the typical person that comes into my world is 35+. But I don't like to put things into boxes. So I keep it fairly broad and go with multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs — they are my jam.

The Ideal Audience

Once I'm clear on my main audience, and this is where I do approach things a little bit differently… For each offer that I have, I ask who is my audience. Is this a good fit for them?

This is where you could say ‘niching down' is helpful, but I don't know that it's necessarily niching down, it's more saying this is the ideal person that I'm creating this for.

They happen to also be multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs, but they are at this point in their business and they need help with this specific thing.

Whenever you see sales pages that say things like “calling all authorpreneurs, calling all list building, you know, email marketing seekers”, or anything like that, that's where someone has really sat down and thought about the audience for that offer.

I have a very quick process that allows me to zone in; ensuring that I'm creating offers, content, sales pages, sales emails, launches, all of those components through the lens of the ideal audience or the ideal person for each offer that I create.

Now, I call this a Tangible Offer Framework, and we go into this in a big way inside the Digital Income Accelerator. But high level, it's about asking and answering the question, who's the ideal audience for this offer?

And then obviously naming that offer. Then understanding Island A, which is the pain points for this specific audience for this specific offer. So filtering it through that lens.

Starting by stating that this is this type of offer, this is the audience and then these are the challenges that they specifically have around this particular offer. And then Island B, which is what life looks like for them once this particular pain point is solved; once they've gone through this offer.

Then the Micro Offer Framework goes through a whole bunch of other things that allow you to create your offer with ease and generate your sales page content with.

But those are really the four most important components to get right is to name your offer, to know who the audience is, and then to filter Island A and B through those two things, the name of the offer, and what's the end result that you're helping someone achieve? And then also doing that with the lens of the audience.

I find that when I do that, it's a version of niching down but it's more specific. They're still part of my broader audience of multi-passionate, creative entrepreneurs.

Crafting Offers

Now when I'm going through the creation process, when I'm thinking about the tangible deliverables and the content and the training, and everything that I need to create for that offer, it's all through the lens of that specific audience.

I really do like to have a person in mind. I know my audience fairly well and I have the ability to connect directly with my audience because they're inside my memberships. So I've got ongoing conversations with them.

Everything that I create is always based on what they need and what I see them struggling with. That works really well for me as a Manifesting Generator because I'm here to respond.

And from a business perspective, I'm always creating in response to my audience.

The Various HD Types in Content Creation

If you're a Generator the same goes for you: to ensure that you are creating in response.

But what if you're not either of those?

If you're a Manifester, you're designed to follow what you feel pulled towards doing. You don't need to check in with your audience because your audience will follow you. You're the only one that gets to chart your own path and people will follow when you are doing something that you feel excited about. No wishy-washy, lame offers here. You definitely want to be doing things based on what you're passionate about and what you're excited about.

If you are a Projector, you're designed to create based on your zone of genius, based on the things that you see your audience struggling with. You also don't need to create in response. What you're going to do is create based on the insights that you have, and then you're going to wait to be invited… Waiting for your audience to ask the question, I need help with this. Then you can go “I have an offer that supports you by doing XYZ.”

If you're a Reflector, it's about how you feel? You don't need to check in with your audience. It's based on what you see in the external environment because you're a direct mirror back of everything that you're experiencing and seeing out in the world.

What you may find that you do is one month you might be stepping into your sacral energy (which is all about creating), the next month, you might be stepping into your manifestor energy, next month that could be manifestor energy again.

As a Reflector, it's about going with the flow, allowing things to come to you and you staying present in the moment… it becomes a lot easier.

Remember The Rule Of Fun 🥳

The last thing that I want to remind you of is to do the things that are easy and fun for YOU.

You don't need to do what anybody else tells you.

You can look at what other people are doing and then ask yourself the question: how would this be easy and fun for me?

What are the things that I'm just naturally drawn to?

What are the things that I'm super excited about?

What are the things that I really enjoy doing?

Because there is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to your business.

You do not need to do live workshops if you don't like doing live videos. You don't need to do challenges if you don't like doing challenges. You don't need to have a podcast if you don't like podcasting.

You get to create the rules in your business. 🙌

So whether you decide to niche down or not, should be determined by what feels natural and fun for you, and how you can best serve your audience. The rest will follow.

I wanted to give you that inspiration, that empowerment of not having to niche down if that does not align with you because you 100% do not need to.

If you enjoyed this, this is just a little snippet of the types of things that we do and say inside the Cultivate membership. Doors are currently closed to the membership, but you can learn more about joining us as part of the 6-month group program, Cultivate.

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Lise Cartwright
Lise Cartwright

Founder of Hustle & Groove and your creative business strategist. If you want to get notified of new posts just like the ones you see here, then make sure you join the awesome H & G community — Join Now!

    2 replies to "The Niche Myth: Why You Don’t Have to Niche Down to Be Successful"

    • Chaali Seymour

      Lise you have an amazing way of making the things flying around in my head… just make sense and seem much more straight forward… thank you for this post.

      • Lise Cartwright

        You’re more than welcome Chaali! You keep showing up and doing the work, so I know you’ll get there. xx

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