Using Human Design in your online businessA lot of my Cultivate members struggle with using Human Design in their business. It's often a result of learning their strategy and authority and then trying to figure out how that applies in a business sense.

It's why I launched the Digital Income Accelerator membership (renamed to The Cultivate Membership) so that I could help other authors, freelancers, and creative entrepreneurs figure out how to use Human Design to grow a business they love, that's 100% you-aligned (as I like to call it).

In this blog post, I want to share how you can truly start and grow your online business using Human Design. It's a framework I come back to again and again that allows me to make decisions easily.

But more than that, it also shows me how I'm uniquely designed to share my gifts with the world.

If you've stumbled on this post, I'm certain you already know what your type, strategy, and authority are (if you don't, CLICK HERE to get your chart with a business ‘flavor').

For the purposes of this post, I'm going to largely focus on the five different Human Design types and strategies, as these form the foundations of a business that's easy, fun, and profitable.

Ready? Let's dive in!

Using Human Design in Your Online Business

I'm going to break this down for each type and strategy. Simply skip ahead to the one that relates to you.

And remember… while Human Design is a great framework, it's also only a tool. If anything you read doesn't feel right for you, then you don't need to take it on. Life is an experiment. Human Design is part of that.

You always get to decide what's right for you!


Using Human Design as a ManifestorAs a Manifestor, you don't need to wait for anything external to give you the green light to move forward with something.

When it comes to your business, this means that all you need to do is make sure that you feel the DOING action to move your ideas forward, often experienced as a pull, like a magnet.

Just remember to let those around you know what you're up to so they can get out of your way (aka inform them).

Out of all the types, you're the one that doesn't need to wait for something external to happen in order to move forward.

However, you need to be mindful that you're not making things happen from your head alone.

You still need to use your authority to make sure that it's the right decision for you. That you have the energy to make it happen.

But you get to initiate your ideas! The nuance for you is understanding that you need to feel a doing action to move an idea forward.

Without the feeling of doing, then you're simply operating from your head, which is NOT how any of us are designed to live our lives, let alone our businesses.

When it comes to using Human Design in your business, focus on asking yourself these questions BEFORE you move forward with something:

πŸ‘‰ Got an idea for a new offer? Ask yourself “Do I feel like doing this within my entire body?” And if you do, then you're good to go. You don't need to use your authority in this case… unless is a big commitment or you pivoting into a new business. Your authority is for life-changing decisions, not day-to-day operations. Your profile numbers govern how you implement…

πŸ‘‰Β Looking to pivot your entire business into something else? This is the time to fire up your authority. Depending on what that is, you may need to give yourself a few days to trust how you're feeling. You still need to feel the doing action first though. That's the strategy part.

πŸ‘‰ Struggling to pick a niche? Guess what?! You don't need to. As a Manifestor, you're designed to act on the ideas that feel good to you. That might mean stepping outside your niche. And that's ok!

One key area I see my Manifestor members struggle with is unfinished projects. This is often because they feel pressured by conditioning and open centers, feeling like they are less or failing if they don't complete things.

Manifestors don't need to finish projects. They are simply here to initiate and act on things they feel compelled to act on. And once the energy has expired for that thing, it's time to move on to the next. You might come back to it when the energy is there… but what about moving something forward in your business? How do you do that?

When it comes to running your online business, you'll do well to pair up with a generator or manifesting generator who can see your projects through to fruition with you. So you can focus on initiating and being the amazing Manifestor that you are.


Using Human Design as a GeneratorAs a Generator, you're not meant to make things happen. The only type that's meant to do that is a Manifestor.

Conditioning throughout life can often lead you to believe that you're meant to make things happen and that you should initiate your ideas. But that would be completely out of alignment for you.

And I'm certain you've experienced what it feels like when you're out of alignment… frustrated!

But guess what? You're simply here to respond to what the Universe puts in front of you and then to only take action on things that truly light you up, that bring you joy!

What could be easier?!Β Β 

On a recent mastermind call for my TCM members, one of the members asked “how can I create an environment of responding for myself in my business?”

Every Generator that I've met that is trying to use Human Design in their business struggles with the strategy of “waiting to respond.”

I believe the problem is in the wording… can you imagine waiting for something to happen in your business?!

Here's what I believe and have experienced it to mean as a Manifesting Generator…

What “waiting to respond” really means is you cannot do anything in life or business unless it is in response to something external.

That doesn't mean you need to wait at all. It's more about confirming that anything you're doing has been in direct response to an external sign. That you're not initiating simply because that's what you were taught in school to do.

Here's what that might look like in your business as a Generator using Human Design:

You get this idea.

Your sacral is lit up (that's part of your strategy, to do things that light you up). That's the first indication that this might be something for you to take action on.

The next step is to find evidence that supports that you're responding to something external.

If you can confirm that the idea wasn't something you concocted on your own, then you can tap into your authority as needed to make a decision and move forward.

Just like any other type in the Human Design framework, your authority is needed when you're making life-changing decisions, or when you want to make sure you've got the energy to commit.

Another way to create things to respond to in your business includes paying attention to the questions you're being asked over and over again. That could be a sign that you need to create a course/offer to address them…

Data is your friend, so pay attention to what you're noticing, particularly in your business.

πŸ‘‰ Run out of ideas? Go and take a look at your social media insights. What stands out? That's something for you to respond to.

πŸ‘‰ Feeling jealous? Pay attention my dear Generator! This is the Universe sending you a sign to dig deeper into this. Tap into your gut and your authority and see if you're excited about doing something similar in your business. But ask yourself: “how might I do this differently?”

Remember, as a Generator, you're here to follow your passions, to follow your joy. And that includes in your business.

Manifesting Generator

Using Human Design as a Manifesting GeneratorAs a Manifesting Generator, your job is to respond to what the Universe puts in front of you, then turn all the rules on top of their heads! You're here to experience the world through your lens and then share those experiences with others so you can inspire them to do things differently too.

Similar to the Generator strategy, Manifesting Generators are not designed to make things happen.

But there is a difference between MGs and Generators…

Because MGs have some of the Manifestor energy, you can initiate a little, especially if you have more of the Manifestor energy in your chart. You still need to be in response, but if your gut is telling you “heck yes” then you can generally move full steam ahead!

If the offer doesn't involve others to bring it to life, and your authority confirms you've got the energy, then you can go ahead.

Bottom line: you're still not meant to make things happen.

So if you feel frustrated or angry, those are signs that you're out of alignment and NOT following your strategy.

In your business, focus on paying attention to what you notice. That's the Universe giving you something to respond to:

πŸ‘‰ Struggling to niche down? As a Manifesting Generator, you might find that you have multiple passions within your business. Niching down isn't required to make money. What you do need to ensure is that you're clear on who the target audience is for each offer you create so you can nail your messaging when you start marketing it. It's 100% possible to make money with multiple offers in multiple niches!

πŸ‘‰ Feeling stressed with unfinished projects? Don't worry! You might not finish everything you start, and that's ok. MGs are here to follow their passions and learn only what they need to learn as they go. Sometimes you learn what you need to learn before a project is finished. Trust that you got what you needed and let it go.

As with a Generator, you'll do well paying attention to your data points… Google Analytics and Google Search Console are your friends.

If you don't have those set up, do that now! Data is your friend. And you don't need to sit around waiting either… you can create response in your business by simply giving your Sacral options to say yes or no to.


Using Human Design as a ProjectorAs a Projector, you're here to be invited to share your amazing insights and wisdom with the world.

That doesn't mean you spend your time waiting around to be invited though!

Instead, it's about allowing others to recognize you first by showing up and sharing your amazingness and then responding to the questions and invitations you receive.

I have a lot of one-on-one coaching clients who are Projectors and they struggle a lot with “waiting to be invited”. The word waiting can feel extremely restrictive…

But the same goes for Projectors using Human Design in their business: it's not about waiting around until you're invited. It's about putting yourself and your business in a position to be recognized (this could be through social media posts, blog posts, videos on YouTube, etc). It's about paying attention to possible invitations cropping up too.

For you, it's about sharing your insights and knowledge so that others get to experience your genius. So they can recognize you and invite you!

Show up, shine your light bright, and notice how the invitations and questions start to pile up!

In business, questions are your lifeblood. And just like your Generator and MG friends, making things happen is not your jam.

But you can set yourself up to receive invitations when it comes to your business:

πŸ‘‰ Wondering what offer to create next? Send out a survey to your email list asking them what they feel their gaps are right now. Use the responses to develop offers. Or simply follow your zone of genius!

πŸ‘‰ Want to participate in a summit? Or appear on a podcast? Share the entrepreneur's work, comment on their stuff, show up and share your wisdom and insight and wait for the invitations to roll in!

πŸ‘‰ Want to launch your most successful offer to a new group of customers but stuck on the best way to market it? It's time to use your network! This is where you can tap into your past clients or customers and have them recommend your offer to people they follow. You can also interview them, gather testimonials, and simply share those. Continue to show up too. People need to see you so they can recognize and invite you (aka click on your sales page or buy now buttons!).

Another approach is to work with a VA who is a Generator or Manifesting Generator and have them manage outreach for you.

Remember: it's about sharing your wisdom and insights, NOT telling others what you know they need to fix UNLESS they ask for your insights aka invite you to share your wisdom.


Using Human Design as a ReflectorAs a Reflector, you're here to only do things that you're excited about after you've experienced all the possibilities. Focus on what surprises you!

That's why you need to wait 28 days (a full lunar cycle), so you can experience all the energies in each centre of your Human Design chart.

So how does that translate in business?

Because you're here to sample life, experience energy, and then reflect that back to the community at large, you'll want to surround yourself with people who inspire and appreciate you.

You're not designed to make decisions quickly, so when it comes to your business, simply create and share when you feel inspired. That will always serve you the most because you're reflecting back on what your community needs to hear.

Reflectors work well in business when they have systems that automate a lot of the day-to-day stuff for them. You'd also really benefit from a team of Generators or MGs who can do a lot of the big energy work for you or boost your energy as needed.

Build in lots of alone time and rest into your day. You're a very intuitive being because of all your open centers.

Create an environment that supports you and a business where you don't need to be there every day for it to make money.

As with any personality profile or framework, none of them are here to tell you what to do.

What I love about Human Design is the freedom to interpret the framework as I see fit. Not everything I read or learn about my Human Design chart always resonates initially.

You always get to decide what is right for you. But I do believe that those decisions are best made in our bodies, not in our heads. Human Design provides you with support on how that might look for you.

Life is an experiment. If you treat Human Design as the same, you'll soon discover what it is you need to know.

Want more insights and to learn more about using your Human Design chart in your business? I'd love to invite you to check out my Cultivate Your Business Book series.

The first book in this series, Cultivate You! Harness Your Strengths, Craft Your Message, and Market With Ease takes a deep dive into helping you use your HD chart in your business.

Inside the book, you'll also get access to a resources library with additional templates, resources, and trainings to help you integrate HD with your business.

Available in ebook, paperback, and as a digital book bundle.


Lise Cartwright
Lise Cartwright

Founder of Hustle & Groove and your creative business strategist. If you want to get notified of new posts just like the ones you see here, then make sure you join the awesome H & G community β€” Join Now!

    7 replies to "Start and Grow Your Business Using Human Design"

    • Rodrick Walusa

      I am very good at initiating projects but before I see an output or outcome, I find myself moving on to something new. As such, I thought I was a flop until today. Thanks for this article.

      Now I know I am a manifestor. I think what I need to do is build a team composed of a generator, manifesting generator, a projector and a reflector. But the question is, do I need to employ all these people or I just partner with them?

      • Lise Cartwright

        Hey Rodrick! I’m so glad you can now start to be more you πŸ™‚ In answer to your question… what feels right for you? Use your authority to help guide you in that decision. Either option is viable, it’s more about what feels right for you?

    • Kerry

      Hi Lise, I stumbled across this post but have no idea what Human Design Type is. Maybe you can include or link to something that explains how we find out our type? Thanks!

    • […] And from a business perspective, I'm always creating in response to my audience. […]

    • Raine

      Hi Lise! I saw your Youtube channel and been wanting to ask more about Human Design for business. You know that there’s a time when we have to recruit new employee and I would like to sort the applicants using Human Design and find the best employee that match with my bodygraph. How would you help in sorting out those applicants while they mostly don’t know and don’t state their birth time in their CV..? I know that some of birth date got a steady bodygraph throughout the day, but there are also birth date that gives us varied bodygraph starting from type, profile, and gates. I can’t just take a guess and try to match their bodygraph with me, right..? I really appreciate your time and help on this thought. Thank you!

      • Lise Cartwright

        Hi Raine, thanks so much for your question.

        You can get a fairly good idea of whether someone is going to work well with you just by entering someone’s birth date into the chart tool. I would pick midday as the time of birth.

        The time of birth provides us with our specific defined gates and channels, along with planet alignments. But our date of birth is what typically determines type, strategy, and authority – which is generally enough for you to decide whether someone is a good fit to work with you or not.

        Although, if you are getting down to two candidates, I see no reason why you couldn’t ask them for that information or ask them to provide you with their HD chart.

        I hope that makes sense!

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