Let's get you to a place of clarity & action...

So you can SELL in your online business in a way that's easy, fun & profitable!

I've helped 1,000s of creative entrepreneurs get out of their own way and get to a place of clarity so that they can take action and sell to their audience without feeling icky, spammy, or super salesy...

Wahoo! You're ready to SELL to your audience without feeling like you're spammy them ...

Selling to your audience is natural and completely normal. That's why you're in business... to help your audience and to get paid as you do so..

Our only responsibility, when it comes to our audience, is to present the opportunity for someone to buy from us every day, and then ensure we're providing enough information (value) for our ideal customers to make a decision = to buy our offers or not.

To determine your best next step, depends on your you-nique mix of gifts, strengths, and talents.
We use Human Design to help us figure this out...

ARE YOU A MANIFESTOR? Your strategy is to INFORM... this means that you'll always want to give your audience a heads up on anything you're planning to do so they can be ready. Automation and evergreen funnels are key for you when you're in your low-energy cycles.
ARE YOU A GENERATOR? Your strategy is to RESPOND... this means that you'll present offers based on what the Universe sends your way and lights you up. You're not here to chase sales. It's about following your gut and promoting and presenting based on what feels joyful.
ARE YOU A MANIFESTING GENERATOR? Your strategy is to RESPOND and INFORM... this means that you'll respond (based on your gut) to ideas that your audience is seeking (or the Universe presents to you) while then informing your audience before you present the offer. You're not here to chase sales. Follow your gut and release the need to follow in other's footsteps... you dance to your own beat!
ARE YOU A PROJECTOR? Your strategy is to wait for the INVITATION... this simply means that you're not here to chase sales. Instead, people will come to you because they will recognize that you're the person that can help them. Your entire marketing is centered around you sharing your insights, knowledge, and wisdom while presenting the opportunity for people to buy from you. How you choose to do this will be based on your unique zone of genius, inner authority, and personality.
ARE YOU A REFLECTOR? Your strategy is to wait a lunar cycle (29 days)... this means that you're not designed to move new things into being quickly. Instead, focus on your energy day-to-day, and surround yourself with positive, inspiring people to help 'feed' your reflectorness. Automation and evergreen funnels are key for you so that you can follow your flow (without worrying about finances).

Depending on your Human Design type, strategy, and authority, your own selling activities will be you-nique to you.

Resources to help you SELL to your audience:

Startup Sally? 

Once you've got an audience built and an offer in place, it's about creating an intentional promotion plan (or launch, depending on how you feel).

Selling can be scary the first time you do it, which is why you want to focus on doing the things that feel easy and fun for you.

Focus on the activities that feel natural to you. Just because someone says, "A challenge is the best way to sell an offer" but the thought of doing this makes you feel sick... doesn't mean you simply suck it up and do it!

Step back and ask yourself, "How can I sell this offer with ease?"

GRAB THE 7 DAYS TO $1K WORKSHOP to get started.

Launching Lucy?

Once you've validated your offers and automated your audience growth, it's time to get intentional with your selling.

Ideally, you'll have some type of promotion happening every month.

This could be live or evergreen. 

Focus on the activities that feel natural to you. Just because someone says, "A live webinar is the best way to sell an offer" but the thought of doing this makes you feel sick... doesn't mean you simply suck it up and do it!

Step back and ask yourself, "How can I sell my offers with ease?

GRAB THE 7 DAYS TO $1K WORKSHOP to get started.

Growing Gabby?

Once you've automated your audience growth and have your offer suite dialled in, the next step is to sell on autopilot.

This could be creating paid ads.

This could be setting up evergreen funnels.

What feels easy and fun for you?

1. JOIN THE CULTIVATE MEMBERSHIP and get your custom Human Design reading and next steps to grow and automate your income in the next 90 days.


2. JOIN THE $1K LAB and start selling to your audience every single day using the Seasonal Campaign Planner and LIVE Promo Plan From Scratch sessions.

Money-Making Mary?

Now that your audience is engaged and growing, it's time to create evergreen funnels in your business.

Or maybe it's about setting up recurring income, like a membership, subscription, mastermind etc.

What feels easy and fun for you right now?

1. GRAB THE RECURRING PROFITS ACADEMY COURSE and discover your way of creating recurring income in your business. Remember... no one-size-fits-all strategies. What you want to create is possible...


2. JOIN THE CULTIVATE MEMBERSHIP to get your evergreen sales system and custom marketing plan for the next 90 days. Uncover your you-nique marketing systems today!

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