There are many benefits of being a freelancer and working from home. I've talked about them before and I'm sure you can imagine just how amazing it is if you're currently working a day job. Your work location makes a huge impact on how productive you are, particularly when you work from home.
BUT, there are also some downsides, particularly when it comes to productivity. I find myself getting restless and distracted if I work from home for longer that 2-3 days straight.
And while I have fantastic internet speeds at home and my office is set up just the way I like it, I find that the minute I take myself away from my office, our apartment and head somewhere else, my productivity shoots through the roof.
I was just chatting with a friend the other day (also a freelancer) and we talked about how this lifestyle requires a certain level of constant self-motivation and that part of that included knowing when to change your working space.
One of the best things about freelancing for me has been the awareness I now have around how I work best.
When I was working for someone else, in an open office situation with plenty of distractions and no incentives to really do well, it was so easy to just do enough to keep my job.
Actually, that's a lie – I always did more than ‘enough' because that's just how I operate, but there were definitely days where I could just cruise by and not really do a lot of work, at least compared to what I now produce.
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Since I've been working for myself, I'm now more aware that I need to have breaks in the day where I get to do the things I love to do and that there is just times when I need to get out of the apartment – cabin fever anyone?!
Table of Contents
3 Reasons to Change Your Work Location (when you work from home)
Now, don't be hating on me. I know that some of you are still working a full-time job and this post could be like ‘poking the bear' as my husband likes to say when I push him a little too far, but it could also be the push you need to make some decisions about your future.
Working from home might have its challenges, but these challenges far outweigh working in an office with a bunch of whining colleagues, in my opinion anyway!
So, if you are still working in your day job, the reasons below may still apply, but you might need to figure out some adjustments to make them work in your current situation.
#1: You're getting distracted
If you are spending more time looking out the window, looking at your phone, washing the dishes, putting the clothes away… then it's time to take yourself out of the house!
#2: You're in a funk
You've woken up and you don't feel particularly motivated to work on that blog post for a client, or that new logo design. You have a couple of options – head back to bed, do something you enjoy or head to the coffee shop or library and just suck it up and get that shit done!
#3: You lack inspiration
Have you been staring at the screen for the last 20 minutes, fingers poised to type, draw etc but nothing is coming to you? You definitely need to get out. Take yourself out for a walk, go to the gym, grab a coffee, anything to break the pressure of staring at that screen and nothing coming to you.
Here's how you might apply these tips if you're in an office situation… you could take a 15-minute break, go grab a coffee or you could negotiate with your boss to work from home instead! The complete reverse!
I'm sure you can easily recognise why it's so important to change your location if it's just not working where you are right now. In fact, as I type this, I'm sitting in my local cafe listening to Michael Buble (I couldn't figure out how to get the little thingee over the ‘e' in WordPress, anyone know how?!) belt out some Christmas Carols – and I'm typing away completely in the zone.
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A change of environment does wonders for the soul too – you meet other people, see new things and just experience more when you're out and about.
What do you do when you're feel stuck, or in a funk? Do you hit the library or maybe you head out for a walk. Leave your thoughts in the comments below!
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1 Response to "The Importance of Changing Work Locations When You Work From Home"
[…] you get started, I want you to do one thing — move to a space where you can concentrate. That might mean you need to jump in your car and go for a drive, head to a cafe, or shut the door […]